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Can't put car into third or fifth gear - grinding

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My 94 VR has started to get a bit iffy between gear changes - especially when changing gear under hard acceleration - sometimes the knob goes all stiff (ooeerr) and you have to wrestle it in and out of gear. I have changed the gearbox mount, but haven't done the engine mounts yet.


Today I couldn't get the car to go into third or fifth gear - when you lift the clutch it just grinds like it hasn't fully gone into gear. If you ram it into gear, it will go, but that isn't right.


I got my missus to try putting it in third - if I give the selectory thingy (technical term) at the gearbox end an extra shove, it goes in ok. I can't see any adjuster to shorten the cable in the engine bay. I had a look under the gearbox knob, but I have no idea how all that works :/


Please help!!

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Probably worth changing all the gear linkage bushes. They are really cheap and pretty easy to fit, and as its only a couple of gears, and also the same movement on the selector mechanism as it being 3rd and 5th, this is most likely the case imo.

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You can adjust both cables at the gearbox and also the side to side adjustment at the gear lever. As said above you can replace the bushes but I'd try adjustment first.


My short shifter install guide shows where to adjust, I can send you a copy if you drop me a PM with your email address.

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Many thanks - it was a loose linkage (the one with the weight on it) - using David's guide it was an easy fix! Cheers again :)

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