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Give a London postcode as "E1" instead of "E2" and see how overcomplex is our world.

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Having fun with ParcelForce due to 1st time ebayer giving me the wrong post code. Edited to protect the innocent.




Have tried to ring your number a couple of times without success.

Here is current situation regarding your parcel:

1 - Post code should be E2 - you gave E1.

2 - Parcel currently held at Charlton depot about 2 miles away from you as crow flies. Apparently this is the wrong depot for delivery to E2 postcodes.

3 - The correct depot for E2 is in NW London (further away of course.)

4 - The parcel was marked down for return to sender (me here near Edinburgh) due to wrong address!

5 - I have instructed ParcelForce to send parcel to you using E2 address and a note about ringing for porter on arrival at gate.

6 - Parcel will be sent to Coventry hub at teatime today.

7 - Parcel should return to NW London depot overnight.

8 - Parcel should then be going out to your E2 London address tomorrow morning.


I expect you are working hard somewhere in the metropolis, but if you see this today, if you got a taxi or drove to the Charlton hub with a proof of identity, maybe it would be possible to pick the parcel up before it goes away on another tour of England? The Charlton depot's phone number is 0844 ***** - option 5.


Not a great deal of fun with your first ebay purchase, but at least you will know your post code - I expect you may have just moved in?...............


Keep in touch.

Best wishes


Edited by craigowl

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  Wullie said:
So where are you taking Susan for the first date?




"You can take the boy out of Paisley, but you can't.............."

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we currently have a 'postie' that only ever puts parcel 'collection' cards through the letterbox, never even rings the doorbell, this enables him to get back to the post office PDQ to start a second round that he gets paid for too (Spanish-working-practices...) and then our main letter delivery (which obviously can fit through the letterbox) often comes at 7pm.... sigh.....

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My postman is the best, he wears shorts all year round and has carried most of a corrado down the drive in separate boxes :lol:

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  jim bowen said:
my postman is the best, he wears shorts all year round and has carried most of a corrado down the drive in separate boxes :lol:



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  Jim Bowen said:
My postman is the best, he wears shorts all year round and has carried most of a corrado down the drive in separate boxes :lol:


That's weird - our postman wears shorts all the time, too, even when it is minus 5 and snow is on the ground.

He wants to work on the oil rigs and has completed a course - I keep telling him it is a good job he likes exposing himself to the weather.

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my post lady is fantastic she leaves parcels with my neighbour who is home most of the day for me my problems start when she is on leave damn replacements are as thick as tweo short planks and cant read the sign saying leave all parcels next door

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