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Jim Bowen

VR6 Coolant hose (old will do)

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I'm looking for an original water hose from a VR6, its the one that connects from the rear of the head, to the bulkhead and has a thin pipe coming off it to the throttle body.


Not too bothered about condition.


Anyone got one?



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Mine split i'm afraid, they are common, I got a samco one from Merlin Motorsport

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Yes, i only found out yesterday


see here




Now, it makes me wonder because i've never seen it mentioned before, samco didn't mention it.


Am not questioning peoples help, but find it a bit odd that a small valve could cause all my issues. Would of thought if it was that important it would come up in thread more often.

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Got 2 of these hoses but after reading the thread info i had better keep 1 to butcher for the brass valve for my aftermarket hose .

Sensible offers considered for the other 1

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