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push button starter

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ive seen the okichan one but that was a little morecomplicated than id like to do.. im running to radio shack to get the momentary push button starter, soder, wiretaps, wire, and wireconnectors. i think i have a good idea off how to set this up... but if anyone could tell me what wires i need to connect to. the push button only has 2 wires so that wont be that hard. any help would be great thanks.

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cut the small Red and black wire that goes to the original switch and run it to the new switch. then join the wire from the switch to black and yellow wire if that makes sense??

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I wonder if Toad (or in fact anyone else) alarms with the 4 button remotes can be hooked up to this. I'd love to have a remote start for those winter mornings... Lean out of window, crack car over, go back to sleep for 10 minutes.... 8)

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Ive thought the same! I have a toad alarm and it has a button to press to turn headlights on but this could easily be used for remote start.HELL, WOT AM I ON ABOUT?im guna do it! :lol:

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be careful. doing it that way and the alarm won't know when to stop cranking. most of these accessory outputs will run for a predetermined time. so if it's too short, it won't start. if it's too long, it'll grind the starter.

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Thinkin about it theres a button for solinoid boot that might work it but you would need a way of turning ignition on

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Try Clifford alarms they've had intelli start in there range for years now! I got mine fitted 3 years ago, it came in handy when I used to get up for work at 4am in the morning, in the winter I would just press the button 10mins before I was ready to go and the car would start up and be nice and warm ready for a quick dash into work. I ve also got a push button start button for when I cant be arsed with the intelli start :)

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Got to agree with Phat there, the Clifford intellistart monitors engine rpm to determine when the car has started and kills the starter motor. It also has a safety feature to stop the car being started in gear. I'd be very careful with using an extra output to start your car, could end in disaster!!!!

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do't forget to add a safety circuit so it'll only work if the handbrake is on and the car is in neutral.


In fact, just buy a ready made system, much easier!


I've got one going on mine soon. again, a clifford one.

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do't forget to add a safety circuit so it'll only work if the handbrake is on and the car is in neutral.


In fact, just buy a ready made system, much easier!


I've got one going on mine soon. again, a clifford one.


I was going to say how the feck does it know the car's in neutral!


Anyone know if intelli-start works with a Concept 30, or 300? Or what ever it is? The one with the carbon effect keyfob, 4 buttons.....

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Will have to look into this a little further methinks. Don't fancy the idea of grinding a starter motor cos I fell asleep with my finger on the remote start button....


Cheers for the info anyways y'all,



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I have a concept 500 with additional intellistart. The good thing about the cliffords is that there are so many possibilities of how they can be set up. For example mine works in this way:

When i park - with the ignition on, i push two buttons together on the remote then take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car (with the engine still running). After I lock the car, a few seconds later the engine stops and the windows go up etc. Now, when i come back to the car, i just press the * button on the remote and she fires up. No possibility of starting in neutral, as it has to be in neutral for me to get out of the car with it running in the first place!


It's also cool, as they have programmed it so that i can leave it running when i nip into the shop or something. Say i've only just set off and the engines cold, but I stop at the local shop and want to let the engine get warm while i'm in there. I press a button on my keyfob with the engine running, get out, taking my keys with me. Lock it all up (alarm on etc) and it just runs.

No one can nick it as it still enables the steering lock to be on, the alarm is on and all locked up - and it has anti-hijack as standard to boot.


Anti hijack is a bit of a pain in the ass as you have to put a short code in everytime you get in the car to drive off, but I felt it was wise to have where I live. (2 attempted car jackings before in me old motor! - live in bradford)

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I When i park - with the ignition on, i push two buttons together on the remote then take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car (with the engine still running). After I lock the car, a few seconds later the engine stops and the windows go up etc. Now, when i come back to the car, i just press the * button on the remote and she fires up. No possibility of starting in neutral, as it has to be in neutral for me to get out of the car with it running in the first place!


So that's how it knows the gearbox is in neutral 8)


It's also cool, as they have programmed it so that i can leave it running when i nip into the shop or something.


I think that is what concerns Thatcham and the insurance companies. A car running with the keys in it! I know in theory the alarm should cut the engine if a window is broken, but what it if it doesn't? Cliffords aren't the most reliabe or sensitive of alarms.



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My mate said you can get a special switch. it's a coil of wire that goes around the gear gate, and yo put a magnet on the shaft. so if it's not in neutral it breaks the circuit.


well, something along those lines anyway.

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My mate said you can get a special switch. it's a coil of wire that goes around the gear gate, and yo put a magnet on the shaft. so if it's not in neutral it breaks the circuit.


well, something along those lines anyway.


Sounds good 8)


I'd feel well paranoid leaving the car running outside anyway. I'd feel much happier with the keys in my pocket, but it's a good gadget none the less.



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kev, the car runs WITHOUT the keys in it, all locked up and alarmed. But yea, I see your point! I too heard a rumour that intellistart invalidates the Thatcham Cat1 status of the alarm. Still, the place I got mine done at still gave me the Thatcham certificate and mantioned nothing of the intellistart invalidating it.

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I think it also has a failsafe in there, switching the engine off after 30 mins or something (variable setting i think) if the alarm knows you haven't got in the car since starting it. So accidental starting isn't too much of a problem.(incidently i've never accidently started it yet anyway!)

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You joking about or serious?

For it to be Thatcham certified, it has to be fitted by an approved fitter.

However, you can fit it yourself, then take it to an alarm specialist for them to check over and sign off.

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well i got it hooked up. it was pretty easy. impressed all my friends to :D . haha. but yea if my ignition ever breaks again i wont need to replace it.

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I would imagine it would have to bypass the circuitry for a transponder immobiliser, hence invalidating the thatcham grouping (if it's a thatcham immobiliser) - I'd have thought it would be possible, but I wouldn't advise it! Go speak to your local alarm fitters for advice.

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for it to be thatcham approved all connections need to be soldered. to install it your self may seem like a good idea at the time but don't, take it to a registered out let. one you know or one that a friend has used and liked, i know of a radio dealer who used to employ pikies, once they had installed the alarm, and taken the address down, they then would go and nick all the stereo out, a few months later,, i've also got the auto start on my clifford concept 300, it's a good peice of kit, there is no way of know if the car is in gear, if you do start the car in gear,( done it once in 2 years!) the car know the starter motor is strugling and stops the starter motor, 3 times and it gives up. but once you have it fitted you get into practice of leaving it in neutral., it's very handy in cold mornings, set the heater onfull the previous night and in ten mins the car is lovely and warm. a defo must, plus it quite cool to shock people from a distance, :D

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