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Dammit... :eek: I just realised I've missed my 10 year anniversary of being a member of this site... :epicfail:


Anyway.... I wanted to just say:


Thank you to everyone who has helped me, encouraged me, sold bits to me, bought bits from me and generally entertained me on this forum for the last 10 years.... :notworthy: :dance:


Here's to the next 10! :drinking: :lol: (...and maybe 'rado number 4 at some point in the future?! ;) )

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You've missed the TDI boat but no ones made a 1.4TSI 7 spd DSG Corrado yet mate - I reckon that engine and box would be a peach in a Corrado chassis ;-)


Get on it!

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i think we should be saying thanks to you (& mods and others) given the amount of archived know-how you and others have logged on this forum!

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