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How much do you pay to put a tyre on a rim?

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Just wondering how much people pay to have a tyre taken off a wheel and put on another wheel? And similarly for puncture repairs?


Just paid £14.50 to have a tyre taken off a buckled wheel and put on a brand new rim (including balancing and a new valve). I thought that was a bit steep, or am I just being tight?! :lol: I was expecting about a tenner.


(Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section)

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doesn't sound too out of the way, did they have to take the rim off the car ???... it's cheaper if you pay in beer tokens, just get one of the lads to do it in their lunch hour on a Friday afternoon. I had one done a few years ago in exchange for a big mac meal :)

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Sounds about right, prices shot up when people started getting tyres from place like black circles and just wanted tyres fitting.

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That sounds like a good deal! I paid £60 for a new tyre fitted at the same place a fortnight ago - so paying almost £15 to have it taken of a bent wheel and put on a new one this weekend just seemed a tad expensive. I guess it's the Yorkshire blood in me!

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doesn't sound too out of the way, did they have to take the rim off the car ???... it's cheaper if you pay in beer tokens, just get one of the lads to do it in their lunch hour on a Friday afternoon. I had one done a few years ago in exchange for a big mac meal :)


Had to laugh at the Big Mac meal.

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I used to work with the guy i use, so he gets a tenner every time, regardless of the job.

Worst is remove 1 tyre, best is remove 13 tyres, repair 1 puncture and fit & balance 4 tyres.

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A couple of years ago I found a place in Leyton that would repair and plug a tyre for £5, but they don't speak English and last time I went its up to a tenner.

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That sounds like a good deal! I paid £60 for a new tyre fitted at the same place a fortnight ago - so paying almost £15 to have it taken of a bent wheel and put on a new one this weekend just seemed a tad expensive. I guess it's the Yorkshire blood in me!


I paid £20 last month to have 4 new tyres fitted and balanced on my zw1s. £60 for one is extortionate!

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I paid £20 last month to have 4 new tyres fitted and balanced on my zw1s. £60 for one is extortionate!



That would be extortionate, lucky he got a new tyre with it :)

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I had to get one tyre put on a bare wheel at "cough" Kwik sh1t last week! (It was a Sunday and was the only place that was open!) Cost me £11.50 to put it on including new valve, and balance.

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