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Hope somebody can help with 1st gear problem

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Hi all, I'm having problems getting my car into 1st gear, basically all my gears were perfect, I took the engine and box out to clean everything up and get the bay looking sweet, also put in a new Valeo clutch whilst it was out, now it's all back in its a nightmare to get in 1st, selecting 2nd then 1st makes it slip in like butter!! Any ideas? Thanks

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Have you tried adjusting the gear selection cables? The levers might not be travelling enough.

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Have you tried adjusting the gear selection cables? The levers might not be travelling enough.


I just presumed with it being fine before the box was taken out it would be fine after, any tips on adjusting the cables?

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Theres a guide to adjusting the cables in the wiki section mate. Have a gander in there. :thumbleft:

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Thanks everyone, all sorted now! It was the 2 bolts holding the gearstick mechanism in place, they had worked loose. Tightened them both up and voila!!

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