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fresh wiring of telephone sockets

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My dad is having an extension done to his house but we also want to relocate and rewire some new phone and Ethernet sockets. I've picked up some wiring circuits and it looks like they are wired in series from the master socket. Is this correct or should all the sockets wire into the master in parallel? Also, I assume they should be far from the power cables (perpendicular, I was advised)? Chasing the walls is not a problem.


Also, if we want to have a central router and link the Ethernet sockets, how would this be done?


thanks in advance.

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  fla said:
My dad is having an extension done to his house but we also want to relocate and rewire some new phone and Ethernet sockets. I've picked up some wiring circuits and it looks like they are wired in series from the master socket. Is this correct or should all the sockets wire into the master in parallel?

Series is fine.


Also, I assume they should be far from the power cables (perpendicular, I was advised)?Chasing the walls is not a problem.

100mm separation will be ok if they are running parallel but perpendicular is best if they cross over.


Also, if we want to have a central router and link the Ethernet sockets, how would this be done?

thanks in advance.

You can't just daisy chain them, you will need a network switch at each point you want to continue. At a push you can use a pc with two Ethernet ports and share the connection, but it would have to be switched on whenever you wanted to use the next connection point.


Hope this helps.

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I can recommend the cheap tplink switches from amazon, 10 quid and provides 4 extra network points, no configuring required just plug in and go. I just have my main wireless router at the incoming phone socket and then two Ethernet cables off that, one upstairs for a full pc, and the other across to my tv, network switch there as the Xbox, tv, bluray and pvr all need a network connection.

some people swear by the mains plug in network adapters but that can be a little more expensive.

Edited by davidwort

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