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ross k

would you consider a corrado a classic turned away at car show

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sorry for the bad punctuation i have always worked with my hands and Eglish is not my strong point i am currently training as a furniture design and maker so i don't practice English maybe as much as i should. I really didn't want to cause an argument the main reason i started the thread was not to cause an argument or slate the show. I was quite interested in weather people have problems getting in shows a lot as i would like to avoid the situation occurring again maybe a lot further from home. Thanks for all the support and i am sorry if i have caused any offense. I look forward to hopefully meeting a few of you at shows in the near future thanks Ross (mods feel free to close if you feel necessary)also punctuation should be getting better i am trying hard here with it:)

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  Danny B said:
Its not what you say that usually offends its how you say it ....... I'm sure if the OP had been turned down with respect and treated the way that most want to be treated then this thread would not even be here.


I do think its poor form to judge someone by their grammer (:shades:) though.


I think the OP has consequently reacted in a mature and positive way which I think he deserves respect for ...... unpunctuated or not !!


Totally agree with all three points - perfectly put!

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  bristolbaron said:
Wow, how utterly shameful for the show to have you as a member/ambassador. Despite your disclaimer, by referencing yourself to the show you will inevitably give the impression that you are representing it. A simple 'rules are rules' explanation would have been sufficient to explain why the car was not allowed - I even did that myself quoting the websites 'pre 1990' rule.

Instead, you have chosen to come on here to make cheap shot judgments about a forum member based on their grammatical ability?! This also adds absolutely nothing to any valid points that may exist and does nothing to enhance the show. What were you expecting to gain from your ramblings? You are a true embarrassment and I hope the show finds out the damage you are doing to their profile.


i think you hit the nail on the head there bristolbaron & said what many of us were thinking!!


it seems that by looking at the number of posts the person involved with the show has done on here they have joined the forum just to defend/attack regarding ross k's post - seems it hit a nerve or is a touchy subject lol


& ross k - dont worry about your punctuation or grammar, we all have our strengths & weaknesses & should not be judged by such superficial means ;)

Edited by g0ldf1ng3r

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Not everyone is as seemingly perfect as you 'Dave1949'. Firstly 'text speak', or lack of full use of words and punctuation, is NOT grounds to judge someone on their character and personality (Plenty of my friends use it, or aren't great with english/ punctuation- but they are extremely hard working, skilled professionals; so how you say it speaks volumes about the person I don't quite know). Yes I can see the point made by Tempest that sometimes when you read an ad on eBay or similar, that if the person who wrote the ad uses poor writing and 'text speak', it can be off putting. However, often or not this is due to very little being written! The OP Ross K has clearly voiced his argument and reasons behind it. Just because he may not have the best english writing skills, does not call for judging him in such a way. And again to 'Dave1949's petty and frankly embarrassingly belittling argument, I would have expected better from a senior member of society, let alone when it comes to a fellow car enthusiast. It just shows that Ross K can respond more maturely and can take comfort in the fact he isn't a patronising ambassador for a car show that seemingly doesn't quite understand their own admission rules (based on there being newer cars/ kit cars in with the classics).



Rant over :thumbleft:

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Remind me to never go to Darling Buds Classic Car Show! I will advise anyone from the VR6 Owners Club not to bother either.

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This really is quite bizarre and has not worked out overly well for those associated with the show.

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