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No Rice Reunion Guildford 31/07/13

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Short notice but any of you heading over to this tomorrow evening?

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I'll only be in my Corrado if its not raining (fair weather owner here) :D


Yep Ladymead Fay*



*hope you don't mind me calling you Fay :)

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of course I don't! Very polite of you to check though :)


I'm tempted to go but I have a few things I want to do tomorrow so I'll have to see how time goes. It's bound to rain though so maybe I have to go to provide some Corrado representation!

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Well you know - one has to keep up standards :D

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Thanks. I don't do Facebook so never thought to look on there :)


Might try to turn up, depending on what I'm doing later.

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Decision made... I'm going. Won't be there for a little while but I will be there at some point!

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Oh no :(


Well I'll also be there at some point so should be at least two Corrados reprezentin :D

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Well I did pop up there in the end and took the kids with me for an evening drive. It was good fun and we had a surprisingly good Corrado turnout. Met up with Fay and managed to park a couple of spots down from her. Also saw your car Jamie and also a yellow corrado (type unknown) and a dark valver... so 5 of us in a relatively small location.


There were a few idiot drivers when leaving but I guess that's to be expected with a lot of young drivers in fast cars meeting up. But was nice to see such a wide variety of cars owned by enthusiasts in a small place. The burger king staff looked rushed off their feet though!


As for the ankle, I manged to fall over and hurt it badly earlier in the day. Popped up to the walk in clinic and its probably just a very bad strain rather than a fracture. But it's hard to walk on and black and blue. Great timing for the first day of a new job today :)

Edited by Portent

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Well I did pop up there in the end and took the kids with me for an evening drive. It was good fun and we had a surprisingly good Corrado turnout. Met up with Fay and managed to park a couple of spots down from her. Also saw your car Jamie and also a yellow corrado (type unknown) and a dark valver... so 5 of us in a relatively small location.


There were a few idiot drivers when leaving but I guess that's to be expected with a lot of young drivers in fast cars meeting up. But was nice to see such a wide variety of cars owned by enthusiasts in a small place. The burger king staff looked rushed off their feet though!


As for the ankle, I manged to fall over and hurt it badly earlier in the day. Popped up to the walk in clinic and its probably just a very bad strain rather than a fracture. But it's hard to walk on and black and blue. Great timing for the first day of a new job today :)



It was a good evening! Amazed by just how many people were there and the variety of vehicles, and amused by the guy who turned up on a bicycle! Car of the meet for me was the burgundy Mk1 Golf with cream interior. Beautiful.


I saw the guy in the Focus (was it a Focus? I can't remember now...) who followed you out and was rather nervous for the health of your car when he sped away from the speed bump...


Good to catch up and hope your first day goes well and your ankle mends quickly.


edit: meant to say that the RX2s really suit your car. Looked great as you left!

Edited by scarlet_vr6

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Had a really good night. I didn't know there was such a thing as Vanilla Cherry Coke! Saw you pull in Fay and saw yours and Portents cars parked up and saw Portent leave but neither of you were there when I passed by and I didn't want to just hang around your cars to say hello - bad stalker behaviour that! I swear I must walk round with my eyes closed cos I must have walked round the place 20 times and never saw that dark one til I was driving out! Thought the general level of dickhead driving was pretty low to be fair.


Only downside for me was losing 4th, then 2nd and finally reverse on the way home, then logging on here and finding it closed! :lol: Fingers crossed its just a linkage problem...

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Vanilla Cherry Coke has passed me by too, but Dr Pepper is the winner for me! I saw the dark one drive in and spotted the nugget early on but it was yours that I didn't see till later on, Jamie. Had a good look round it and it looks lovely. You've kept the paintwork red beautifully - not a trace of fading! The black look to the front end suits it too, and is making me wonder whether I want a grille with a black VW badge...


Sorry to hear about the gear problem. I hope you resolve it quickly (and cheaply!). If you saw me arrive, did you see the car cut out twice? It has an issue with cutting out at v low revs when it's warm but obviously it worse when there are crowds of people around!!

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Thanks Fay. I meant to say yours and Portents are in great shape and agree with you the wheels really suit his car. Mines actually had a cheap and nasty blow over from a previous owner, looks ok from a distance but its not really all that up close. Never noticed you cutting out - funny how cars have a habit of doing that when there's a crowd.


Found my gear selector problem - when I was messing about tidying my engine bay a few weeks back I cut all the cable ties from my amp cable and never got round to replacing them (got bored cleaning the bay very quickly) and the fuse holder had fallen onto the top of the gearbox and jammed the mech!

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Isn't it amazing how much paintwork can improve when under street lights?! Paintwork on mine is appalling but hopefully I'll be able to afford a decent respray soon. I did try 3 new products on mine today however, and I'm delighted with the results. Reckon it's the best the paintwork has looked in the 8 years I've owned it!


Glad to hear you've sorted the selection issue. Cheap and easy fixes like that are always welcome!!

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