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devon newbie, new wheels + update (pic heavy)

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yeah that's right

I gave them a general soapy clean, then used the gt12 cleaner and aggravated it in with a soft brush, but for the state mine was in, I needed to do bit by bit with a toothbrush one bottle did my whole interior including door cards and I used it liberally, it is good stuff, you see it working a lot clearer by looking at the stitching colours.

I then conditioned the leather using the gt11 all over and left for a few days

before using the scuff master I used a safe alcohol based wipe quickly just over the deeper cracks to make sure they were clean and the scuff master would then adhere into the cracks and stay there (leave to dry)

then I used the scuff master (purchased 250ml) way more than enough to do scuffs all round applying it with one of the wife's new 'war paint' sponges coat by coat letting it dry inbetween and once finished left for a few days (out of the sun)

then re applied the conditioner after, because I had the interior out it was easy to take my time, but I cant stress enough how important the cleaning part is, I got a bit bored and could have cleaned my door cards a bit more and they would have turned out better..


I got the leather cleaner and conditioner from cleanyourcar.co.uk and only purchased the liquid leather (scuffmaster) on its own


when I first used it and it was covered I thought the product may re-crack in the same places as you apply pressure on the bolster....but its showing no sign of that and it looks almost new!


was really pleased with the results can recommend highly


leopan you are a gentleman & scholar, thank you very kindly for the detailed info!


it was just the confirmation ive been looking for too as when tim from fifth gear saw my rado a few years ago he recommended the gliptone stuff as he had used it on his Porsche resto


im off to make an order :)

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Don't buy the soft interior brush from the detailing sites. They're about 6 quid from them, but I kid you not theyre exactly the same as any reasonable quality shoe brush you can pick up from any supermarket for a quid!

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Don't buy the soft interior brush from the detailing sites. They're about 6 quid from them, but I kid you not theyre exactly the same as any reasonable quality shoe brush you can pick up from any supermarket for a quid!


advice heeded thanks seanl82


old toothbrush at the ready

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yep I was a victim to the pricey brush! didn't really use it that much either, used the tooth brush more


I forgot I also used microfiber towels for the real stubborn parts, agitated it with the cleaner and tooth brush and rubbed away the soap with the microfiber seem to work well for me

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I've tried a few products on mine , decent products , I can't get mine clean ! Nothing seems to work .


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i really had to work mine in to clean, and it seemed real easy to 'spread the dirt' which is when i started to use the microbe towels to pick up the dirt


you can get a soft brush attachment for a polisher that would work really well on stubborn stains

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little update as worthersee prepping has kept me busy

a few things added decided to attack the oil leak before a major service to see if i could see where the majority of it was, took the inlet off and the rocker cover and it seems it was leaking from the right bottom corner,10614281_10152580924703477_6207812975213851811_n.jpg

so replaced gasket and cleaned the mating faces on the rocker cover, whilst it was off i decided i might as well powder coat them up so they look nice1482910_10152607601348477_3621087505246912239_n.jpg10610531_10152607601393477_701716816311155657_n.jpg


looked ok to me inside too10403111_10152580924818477_4282898490642231139_n.jpg

group buy liner10671256_10152580924588477_6772317644672249344_n.jpg

288 brake updates


twisted when on but sorted it now so ignore the braid twist


slam panel was letting it down a bit and wanted to go a bit stealth look in the bay so started that1979740_10152580923708477_8239918893922712855_n.jpg10653651_10152580924348477_1983361895975809107_n.jpg

all back together and working ok cleaned oil leak and no more seems to be appearing woo-hooo


obtained this......must have been subconscious jamie flash red jealousy i think ;-) 10351841_10152759113553477_3355464660384172313_n.jpg

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bit of a clean and in the bay....jamie was right, these are a @£$%^&**** to fit!20150321_153832_zpsxynefjou.jpg20150321_153813_zpscpcyhhqp.jpg


just make out my new swg scuttle in the background....sprayed matt finish to match


Edited by loepan

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did the standard spray of the scuttle in the lounge



had the new grill sprayed up and split the headlights to polish and black out the non reflect11096521_10152885820758477_5313940830839812401_n_zpsyoyjoont.jpg

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cheers rob, appreciated




so....tonight i picked this up, from a local legend lee of general designs







11077842_1578528222429740_1048811577_n_zpsm99hgjq9.jpgwill be going in ready, battery bag re-trimmed in beige leather to match the seats


oh trail fit and sneak pic of the worthersee wheels........yep they are from Billcor.....obviously not correct ride height!




will get more soon

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i love it too, didn't like fitting it tho! cheers redborbet


one with the battery bag fitted....








and one of my detailing habit a true addiction!





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Hey mate,


This is coming along nicely since I made the trip down to pick up that interior from you. Keep up the good work!


Cheers, Phil.

Edited by unclean

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Love the bay, looks really smart! Interior looks good too - light leather and black carpets always looks good I think. Do you have any more interior pics to tease me with?? :thumbleft:

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i'll get on it hairy arse......will be polish and detail before trip so ill throw some pics up then ;-)

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Devon, why thats only down the M5. I'm in Portishead, bought my '89 1.8 in Feb. After looking at 924 and 944's it did pain me to buy a front wheel drive car, and just doesn't corner like my mk1 MR2 (on goodyear eagle F1's) but then what does. Growing on me though, particularly that 16V buzz, and no terminal rust problems or leeking roof-yay!

Changed the 17 inch alloys for 15 inch as judging by the amount of rattling trim the car was getting shaken to death, and the steering wobble on the motorway has gone with the lighter wheels.

Thought about Corrados for a while but for me it was the lower profile of the original bonnet that was the clincher, plus some shiny paintwork. Very sexy. Got to fit some new disc shields, find why both windows suddenly stopped working (where are the fuses?)and pull the fuse on the spoiler, before the mechanism goes. Oh, and enable the passenger door to be opened from the outside and sort the confused central locking. One of the 17 previous owners thought they'd de-lock it- what's wrong with a key?

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so i must post a few pics on this thread as my corrado made it all the way to worthersee and back and only had a minor wiper incident!


bravo the corrado....anyway heres some pics, i have loads,if you want to look join the fb page or pm me to add cheers




some other corrado's




loads more too many to bore you all with, was more a praise thread to my trusty vr6, thanks for getting me there and back x

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forgot to add my little bits


i missed out on the group buy of steering wheels but someone on here (sorry i forget who) mentioned a german chap cars dream.com on eBay who did refurbs

i purchased one off him, with deposit gave him all my details and specs, he sent me this lovely wheel and i sent him my old one back then received the deposit, not a bad price either....if anyone wants anymore info pm me




and one fitted...........10384895_10152966144303477_5279427269678479377_n_zpsqrtt0rqk.jpg

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