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few issues, lots of smoke bad or no warm start.

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I've had the 16v off the road for a number of years now, it does fire up pretty well on cold. When it's idling its blowing out lots of smoke and once I've had enough of that and try to start it warm it's a real struggle. What that be caused by? I've had a recon head fitted but I suppose the oil seals and that could have still dried up and perished maybe? The smoke does eventually go away after a while. Might need a good drive probably?

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What's the smoke caused by/what colour is it? Do you think it's burning oil, or running extremely rich? 16v's that are overfuelling can put out a lot of white/grey smoke at idle, making you think there's a serious problem.


Valve seals/guides and piston rings are metal so shouldn't perish!

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