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the Scirocco that was slap plum in the picture! S


That to me was the link to Chris Gaskell, a good commemoration, given who it was driven by, one of Chris´ very close friends, and since Chris owned a new Scirocco, too, that he used to slag off no end (but at the same time did mention a few good things about it, too), it was somehow fitting to have it on our stand.



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Corrado owner in the making...




The next generation of Corrado enthusiast ! Superb !!!


My boy picked our copy up and started asking where our car was. He's Shure it's on there somewhere.


Jim, what's the deadline for copy ?

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Message received loud and clear on pictures. With the Classic Car Show coming up in November, which I had planned to write about (as it's a full weekend at the show for me) I'll make a real effort on the picture front. Cheers.


Jim looks like my membership must be up as ive not recieved my sprinter, and i take it you did recieve my write up i sent, can you check my membership please mate

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Hi jim


Chris ferry 2645


Up to date buddy hope my address has been changed on the system. Could u check it for me?



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Hi jim


Chris ferry 2645


Up to date buddy hope my address has been changed on the system. Could u check it for me?




PM sent.



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Hi guys.. looks like we somehow missed a few of you off the mailing list. I'm going to check it through later tonight and see where you all are, and what happened and we will see about replacement copies for those of you that were missed off. Sorry for this cock up - I'll hold my hands up and say I might have been a bit over-zealous when preparing the mailing list and as it's a manual process I may have made a mistake or two.


We'll get it sorted.


The next generation of Corrado enthusiast ! Superb !!!


My boy picked our copy up and started asking where our car was. He's Shure it's on there somewhere.


Jim, what's the deadline for copy ?


I'm aiming to get the next issue out in around February sort of time so by christmas would be excellent!

Edited by Jim

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Hi Ray - could you please PM me your full name and address so I can find your details. Thanks. Sorry for the oversight.

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Hi jim


Chris ferry 2645


Up to date buddy hope my address has been changed on the system. Could u check it for me?




Hi Chris,


You rejoined B4 I took over, the address on the database is different to the one on your PM to me - Will amend and as soon as I have the spare copies of the Sprinter will post one out to you.


Apologies for this.



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That to me was the link to Chris Gaskell, a good commemoration Tempest

Cheers for letting us know and it's a fine reason. I know there were a few of us wondering on the day - and what a fine day it was!

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Maybe we could record all the power figures from the rolling road and have them wrote up with a few good pics of all the cars and and who made what , i kind of have to agree that with out me ever having wrote anything or putting anything "in" i cant really complain that its not up to scratch


Id like to do more my self but as you might have noticed my grammer is nothing flash so putting stuff together is something i usually avoid

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Maybe we could record all the power figures from the rolling road and have them wrote up with a few good pics of all the cars and and who made what , i kind of have to agree that with out me ever having wrote anything or putting anything "in" i cant really complain that its not up to scratch


Id like to do more my self but as you might have noticed my grammer is nothing flash so putting stuff together is something i usually avoid


I was planning to write a small article about it :) If anyone is handy with a camera who's coming along, and fancies helping me out and getting some of their pictures in print, it'd be very much appreciated.

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Finally read the latest edition of the sprinter from cover to cover yesterday (used to do that the day it arrived, but life's changed). Just wanted to say I thought it was excellent. I understand about people saying it's short on articles, but as I've never contributed anything to it I was more than happy with it (and it was actually a surprise when it arrived, as I hadn't even though about being due one!). Sorry to hear Jim and so many other people standing down from their positions, but I understand the drain on everyones time doing this sort of thing. So thanks to all the committee members for their time and effort, and to those who've contributed articles for the sprinter, and to Jim for managing to produce the Sprinters when there have been so few articles to work with. :cheers:


Surprised and disappointed to read that there are so few members - I'd assumed (for no particular reason) that there must be at least double that.

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Finally read the latest edition of the sprinter from cover to cover yesterday (used to do that the day it arrived, but life's changed). Just wanted to say I thought it was excellent. I understand about people saying it's short on articles, but as I've never contributed anything to it I was more than happy with it (and it was actually a surprise when it arrived, as I hadn't even though about being due one!). Sorry to hear Jim and so many other people standing down from their positions, but I understand the drain on everyones time doing this sort of thing. So thanks to all the committee members for their time and effort, and to those who've contributed articles for the sprinter, and to Jim for managing to produce the Sprinters when there have been so few articles to work with. :cheers:


Surprised and disappointed to read that there are so few members - I'd assumed (for no particular reason) that there must be at least double that.


Very nice to get such nice feedback - thanks :)

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Jim, sorry to be a pain but is there any chance I could get a copy (only joined on Friday)

Totally understand if it's not possible.




You will get a copy with your membership pack when Ian sends it out to you :) As I've said to other folks there will be a bit of a hold up thanks to a miscommunication with the printers but we should be able to get them out in a few weeks!

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Jim looks like my membership must be up as ive not recieved my sprinter, and i take it you did recieve my write up i sent, can you check my membership please mate


Sorry, on my records it appears that your membership lapsed in May - Would you think this is right?


Perhaps PM me with any info you have and I will look into it further.



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Hi Jim - I don't seem to have received mine either


Can you PM me your address Ray, as the one Jim has given me doesn't match up with the one on your CCGB profile page?


Just want to make sure that the copy goes to the correct address!!



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You will get a copy with your membership pack when Ian sends it out to you :) As I've said to other folks there will be a bit of a hold up thanks to a miscommunication with the printers but we should be able to get them out in a few weeks!


Now have the copies from CazzaVR, so in the process of sending them out to those who have been "missed" and the new members as well.



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Just received my membership pack with two copies of Sprinter....

Firstly, very impressed with the membership pack, the card and key ring are a nice touch,

Second, Sprinter... How good is that, I've not read them cover to cover yet but what I have read is very impressive, I've read many a worse article in a mainstream magazine so considering Jim is an amateur I think he should be applauded for his efforts.


Two thumbs good from me.



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Just received my membership pack with two copies of Sprinter....

Firstly, very impressed with the membership pack, the card and key ring are a nice touch,

Second, Sprinter... How good is that, I've not read them cover to cover yet but what I have read is very impressive, I've read many a worse article in a mainstream magazine so considering Jim is an amateur I think he should be applauded for his efforts.


Two thumbs good from me.




Glad you enjoyed the "extra" Sprinter Roger.



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Just received my membership pack with two copies of Sprinter....

Firstly, very impressed with the membership pack, the card and key ring are a nice touch,

Second, Sprinter... How good is that, I've not read them cover to cover yet but what I have read is very impressive, I've read many a worse article in a mainstream magazine so considering Jim is an amateur I think he should be applauded for his efforts.


Two thumbs good from me.




My work is only part of the entire package - most articles are written by club members, and truthfully I'm a terrible editor.. an electronic copy goes round to the committee prior to it going to print and the amount of typo's and general mistakes that I miss, that the other guys pick up is a continual embarrassment :) But it's very nice and humbling to receive such glowing feedback - thank-you :) I'm sure the entire committee will appreciate such feedback.

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