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will 1.8 kr ht leads work on my 2.0 16v 9a?

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Hello Geoff,


I believe they are the same,

as the 1.8 16v and 2.0 16v heads have the same spark plug tube depths in them.

Plus the leads are the same in looks.




Hope that helps.



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Same other than the impulse sensor for the ecu, the loop over lead 1 (correction, lead 4), you'll only get this on if the kr set has detachable connectors though as it's slid over the cables

Edited by davidwort

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Have a look at this thread,

it will show you in detail the sensor in question that normally fits over HT lead number 1 or 4




This is normally on the 2.0 16v 9a engines,

but cam be on some of the very later KR engines as well in the MK2 Golf.


Yes the blue HT leads will fit your 2.0 16v Corrado,

but like Davidwort has told you,

you may have to swop the pickup / impulse sensor over on to your replacement leads.


But like I say have a look / read of the thread that I've attached above for you,

it should help.



Hope this helps.



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