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why do we even bother?

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I washed the car on Sunday, leave it parkedjust down the street from the flat, didnt use it yesterday. When I go to it today, I have a a finger print size scratch from someones door on the rear quarter, along with a dent, right on the ridge half way up.


Is there something wrong with me? I NEVER seem to feel the urge to damage other peoples property. Is this wrong?? And if I did ever accidently do it, i would have the COMMON COURTESY to admit to it.


Do I need to buy two other cars to park either side of the Raddo to protect its sides????


Hunt for house with garage - STATUS: ON.

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I know the feeling all too well! i had mine parked outside my parents, and someone parked next to it, opened their door wrecklessly and it now has 2 dents along the side, and they are right along the crease!

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'people', don't you just love 'em :mad: Had the same recently myself, despite deliberately parking out of the way with only one side of car exposed....grrrrrr.

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Is there something wrong with me? I NEVER seem to feel the urge to damage other peoples property. Is this wrong?? And if I did ever accidently do it, i would have the COMMON COURTESY to admit to it.


I appreciate this is more of a rhetorical question, but it got me thinking (fallout imminent, must sit down :lol:)


I think the main problem lies with the fact that the vast majority of the motoring public see a car as a necessary convenience and nothing more. My mum is a classic example, she doesn't actually enjoy driving, but does so because she needs too. Her car is an average motor, nothing special, but it does the job it was intended to do, so she's happy. Sure it's irritating when a car get's scratched, but if you only view your car as an instrument of transport, chances are you'll treat other cars in the same way. Most people wouldn't get upset if their lawnmower got a dink and sadly it's this attitude that makes people think 'it doesn't matter'.


Had the same recently myself, despite deliberately parking out of the way with only one side of car exposed....grrrrrr.


This one's easy. The driving test doesn't teach you how to park in parallel bays (i.e supermarket/multi-storey car parks). So, people just get the car in (not bothering to put enough gap both sides), or wuss out and park near a line of empty spaces... using your car - parked out of the way for safety- as their guide (becuase they're probably not bothering to use their eyes and look the for the two white lines painted on the ground).


I'm fortunate to have a garage, but I still get dinks from muppets in the car park. After spending £x,xxx on getting my car repaired after some hit & run lunatic tried to remove the side of my car, it took less then 6 weeks to get a chip from some moronic cretin opening their door onto mine. I think my response to discovering it would have made Bill Hicks blush. :evil:


Short of covering the car in bubble wrap, I can't see what else can be done... :roll:



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I think the main problem lies with the fact that the vast majority of the motoring public see a car as a necessary convenience and nothing more. My mum is a classic example, she doesn't actually enjoy driving, but does so because she needs too. Her car is an average motor, nothing special, but it does the job it was intended to do, so she's happy. Sure it's irritating when a car get's scratched, but if you only view your car as an instrument of transport, chances are you'll treat other cars in the same way. Most people wouldn't get upset if their lawnmower got a dink and sadly it's this attitude that makes people think 'it doesn't matter'.


Going with the hipothetical lawnmower...... if you damaged your own, you may well think...' bah, only the lawnmower' but...what if i damaged your lawnmower?

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I think the main problem lies with the fact that the vast majority of the motoring public see a car as a necessary convenience and nothing more. My mum is a classic example, she doesn't actually enjoy driving, but does so because she needs too. Her car is an average motor, nothing special, but it does the job it was intended to do, so she's happy. Sure it's irritating when a car get's scratched, but if you only view your car as an instrument of transport, chances are you'll treat other cars in the same way. Most people wouldn't get upset if their lawnmower got a dink and sadly it's this attitude that makes people think 'it doesn't matter'.


Going with the hipothetical lawnmower...... if you damaged your own, you may well think...' bah, only the lawnmower' but...what if i damaged your lawnmower?


That's what I meant (sorry I wasn't very clear), I personally wouldn't care, It's a lawnmower, it mows the grass, it's no big deal... I think this attitude extends to cars when they're only viewed as objects rather than (as we do) our pride & joy that usually costs three arms, five legs and twelve kidneys to fix :lol: They don't care about their cars whereas we do.



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Then there's the fact that most people don't actually *realise* that swinging their car door into the side of another car might even damage it in the *first* place. I mean, they're made of metal, right???

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Needless to say, whatever you own, be it a car, lawnmower or something else owned by you, respect for your property should be high on the list...............but sadly it ain't.

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Its not just parkling dings that do my head in, its the neighbours around wear I live..... :mad: :x


The woman 2 doors down seems to think its fine to use a car's bumper as her personal parking aid! I caught her doing it to my car, even heard a thump! :x I stormed out and had a right go at her, effing and blinding, and she was like 'oh sorry i didnt realise...'


Thing is she STILL does it - to other people in the road.. She's learnt NOT to park anywhere near me nowadays!


Also... Some tw@t managed to wedge his car in a space clearly not big enough for him, ramming my dad's car in the process. I mean there was NO room whatsoever, either end of his shitbox. He even had a towbar, which damaged my dads bumper.... When my dad went and shouted at him, he was like 'Oh i didnt hit your car at all' even though I was f*cking obvious, and our neigbour witnessed it all. We even asked him how he expected to get out of the space, and he just went all quiet..


He mentioned that when he was living in france, this sort of thing was acceptable all the time! WTF??! I hear the french park without leaving their handbrakes on... :roll:

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It's true - everywhere I went in france the parking was appalling. It's a scale - the US has enormous cars and even more enormous parking bays, the UK is a nice middle ground, but everywhere in France (city-wise, at least), people park SO close that you simply have no option other than to use the bumpers as a guide.

Even Cannes, which you might think contains the more property conscious french person, I witnessed a woman in a nearly brand new A-class merc drive up, pull into a parking space by HITTING (not nudging mind, HITTING) the car behind, then swinging the front end in and HITTING the car in front.

I was gobsmacked...

The number of plainly knackered cars going around france is amazing. It even beats Ipswich! ;)

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Just the same in germany, my mum and dad lived in munich for a while, and cars were bumper to bumper everywhere, it just seems accepted, I saw people in 911's doing the bumper nudge, couldnt believe it. They must be a lot cheaper over there, maybe thats why german cars are built so solid. :wink:

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I think a lot of it comes down to company car drivers, I work for a leasing company, and a lot of drivers dont care a toss about their cars, and respectively anyone elses.

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I noticed a scratch on my rear bumper corner and on my front bumper corner the other day. People are tw@ts basically.

And some scrote nicked my VW badge, and a Borbet badge went a few weeks before...


I'm out of ideas. My old CRX got wrote off by a bus when parked ffs!

If anything too serious happens to my Rado I'm gonna have to give up having a car basically, it's just too painful :cry:


Garage = good plan, although in Bath a house with one is gonna be 250k at least nowadays!



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I witnessed a woman in a nearly brand new A-class merc drive up, pull into a parking space by HITTING (not nudging mind, HITTING) the car behind, then swinging the front end in and HITTING the car in front.

I was gobsmacked...

The number of plainly knackered cars going around france is amazing. It even beats Ipswich! ;)


Yep seen that too in Paris. It's part of their lifestyle and the defacto way of parking. The majority of people in Paris leave their handbrakes off so that people can shunt their car to make room. They just get on with it and clearly aren't worried about their cars :?


But then they are French tho..... :roll:



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I remember just getting my C back from having some paint work done. A brand new vectra pulled striaght up at the side of me, even though the car park was nearly empty, then the woman passenger just opened the door and banged it into mine. She then looked at me discusted as if it was my fault. I got out saw the dent and proceeded to have a go and her and her fella! It ended with him telling me not to worry cos it's only a J reg and I couldn't do anything about it now while he was walking off and smirking.


If he had got out a apologised I would have been a little ok with it but I saw red and had to get some revenge and to this day wish I could have seen his face when he got back to his brand new car, after he had a nice key mark down the drivers door!

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I think the trick is simple: fit new front/rear bumpers just before you sell the car on. Otherwise just drive round with scratches and scrapes...

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See my "clumsy b4stard shoppers" thread from the other month........they paid out by the way, their insurance is paying £150 for the bodywork to fix it.

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It ended with him telling me not to worry cos it's only a J reg and I couldn't do anything about it now while he was walking off and smirking.


If he had got out a apologised I would have been a little ok with it but I saw red and had to get some revenge and to this day wish I could have seen his face when he got back to his brand new car, after he had a nice key mark down the drivers door!


Nice one. Revenge is a dish best served cold :lol:


If he walked off like that from me, smirking, I'd have kicked his door in. And then say, "nothing you can do about it now, it's only a common-or-garden Vectra"

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I wish I had have, but I did make sure the scratch was in the same shape as a big dipper!

:lol: :lol:

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common Respect for other peoples property, common problem on the roads now.

The other week i foing my wing Mirror bent right back could only have been caused by some young youth, as if it was a car or van it would have crashed in the side of my car Muppets, plus I didn’t even know they could go that far around lol

ps as we all love our c to death unlike other car owners

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