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Uprated Engine Mounts - Vibra Tec Alternatives - SORTED

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Right I've discovered I need a new front mount. Before I spunk £150 I don't have on a Vibra Technics mount, are there any alternatives I could be looking at? Can't seem to find the VF ones available over here at all...

Edited by Jamie

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I'm not sure a standard mount is up to the job Jon. Aren't they a notoriously poor design?

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Vibra-tec competition front on mine and I can highly recommend it. A few more vibes but I don't even notice anymore.

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Just as a reminder as it's been discussed many times, the front mount is isolated by 2 rubber bushes at each end of the cross member, but the rear and transmission mounts aren't, so it's those two that transmit the most noise and vibes into the cabin, especially the gearbox one!

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Cheers chaps. I've got a VF at the moment so I know what they're like, just needs replacing




Actually gonna pull it apart this evening and see if I can get it welded...

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Is the broken bit ally? I think VF make them from billet ally, which should be fine to weld. I wouldn't weld cast ally as it's usually full of too many impurities and doesn't always weld that well.

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I'm not sure a standard mount is up to the job Jon. Aren't they a notoriously poor design?


I wouldnt have thought they are a poor design. My vote is VT fast road mounts though as they are on mine, as Kev says stay away from polys

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Feel I need a new front mount too, wondered if jay. Renshaw was going to supply any more of the ones sold on here. Otherwise I might have to invest in a vibratechnic one, not cheap tho :(

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I wouldnt have thought they are a poor design. My vote is VT fast road mounts though as they are on mine, as Kev says stay away from polys


I've just kept reading they're not a great design and that's why uprating them is so popular. Then again I have just damaged my car due to a failed VF so I'm not that impressed by them either

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I plan to go back to standard VW mounts, so will probably be selling my jay poly mounts.


Just phoned VW and they come to about £240 for front and back mounts, so might give that a miss for now.


Am sure my engine wobbles about more than it did when i first installed the mounts, might have to take them off and inspect them.

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The standard mounts aren't a bad design per se, just a bit soft. Some people fill the holes with welding rods or bolts, or you can buy various different shures of poly and rubber in liquid form, and fill the holes with that. That's quite popular on voided bush engine mounts such as the MK4/MK5.


I've read that people use the mk2 gtd gearbox mount as its a bit more durable-Anyone have ant experience?


I think that was an old GSF thing mate but as far as VW are concerned, all cars fitted with the 02A gearbox get the same mount. It's about £60 now. GSF's "MK2 diesel" mount is utter garbage and lasts about 5 minutes. The OEM doesn't last that long either when you're putting more power down, so the only real choice we have is Vibratechnics, which does increase vibration and noise sadly. All uprated box mounts do.

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was a 1300 golf gearbox mount back in the day...bigger engines were hyro and 1300 had solid rubber , not sure what aftermarket ones are now

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The standard mounts aren't a bad design per se, just a bit soft. Some people fill the holes with welding rods or bolts, or you can buy various different shures of poly and rubber in liquid form, and fill the holes with that. That's quite popular on voided bush engine mounts such as the MK4/MK5.




I think that was an old GSF thing mate but as far as VW are concerned, all cars fitted with the 02A gearbox get the same mount. It's about £60 now. GSF's "MK2 diesel" mount is utter garbage and lasts about 5 minutes. The OEM doesn't last that long either when you're putting more power down, so the only real choice we have is Vibratechnics, which does increase vibration and noise sadly. All uprated box mounts do.


Thanks for that

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Hmm might have to get the wallet out for some vt mounts then. I'll do a search as I'm sure the differnece between fast road and competition has been discussed. Competition claims it 3 x stiffer. Imagine that Would that be better tho for my charged Vr?

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Ok so I realise that the VW genuine mounts would be the best to fit long term but I'm guessing there would be no harm in putting the patteren part mounts from AVS on now, since I need to replace them and am a bit short on cash? The car is layed up at the moment and I'm only doing 3-4,000 miles in her anyway so I'm assuming they would be better than leaaving the old worn mounts on.

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Little update for you gents just in case any of you find yourselves in a similar predicament to me. I took the mount apart and it's basically a long bolt with a plate, steel bush, poly bush, the top mount cover, another poly bush then the top plate (which is threaded and holds it all together). The bolt on mine had snapped so I just broke it all down - took a bit of heat and a fair bit of brute force but it came apart in the end - and replaced the bolt. Job done :)





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