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Another Storm

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Holy Frig, has everyone been on the mulled Vino early this year or something. Prices seem to have shot right up. I may stick mine up for a cheeky 5k, Never know maybe someone will be treating themselves to an early Xmas present. :rolleyes:

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I think that's a reasonable price if it's as clean as the pictures portray, but my god, what a lazy arse advert.


If I was in the market for one, I'd give that one a miss in favour of one where the seller made more of an effort.


The days of the car selling itself are long gone.

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Never understood how short sighted some people are with their adverts.. surely you'd put as much information in there as possible for multiple reasons like it shows you actually care about the car (as you know everything about it!) and it answers questions people might have, so they don't need to waste time contacting you..

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Never understood how short sighted some people are with their adverts.. surely you'd put as much information in there as possible for multiple reasons like it shows you actually care about the car (as you know everything about it!) and it answers questions people might have, so they don't need to waste time contacting you..


Precicsly what I was driving at.... just in a sarcastic manor.

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If I was in the market for one, I'd give that one a miss in favour of one where the seller made more of an effort.





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I've started writing an advert for mine in case I do decide to sell. Its taken ages - I'm already up to 650 words and 2 pages! Would probably bore the pants of anyone before they even got to the price! Wasn't thinking of asking this much though even including a small treasure trove of spares

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