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Phil K

Not bad for a days work

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The C is currently in peices at MCM in Millford (nr Godalming) having the cam chain, cam belt, tappets and exhaust manifold done - these were the reasons for the total loss of power if anyone remembers my problems that started a couple of months ago... So, anyway I thought that as the inlet manifold and cam cover were off I may aswell take them home with me over the weekend and polish them up a bit. Really pleased with the way the inlet man has come up and the red detailing looks 8) IMO. The cam cover wasn't so easy to polish and has some quite dull areas that I just couldn't get rid of, but on the whole I'm a happy bunny :D

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Look good mate! Liking the red detailing too


Dont let em get rusty though cos then they'll look pants :lol: Someone must have some tips on keeping them looking shiny??

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Look good mate! Liking the red detailing too


Dont let em get rusty though cos then they'll look pants Someone must have some tips on keeping them looking shiny??


yeah loads of autosol... LOL na spray it with clear laquer...

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Cheers for the comments guys...


Am now thinking I'd like to chrome the cam cover but have no idea about getting it done - any ideas? I've been reading up on it and am not sure you'd be able to dip it in the baths as you probably should only do the outside of it, so just wondering how this will be possible? Oh, and can you chrome aluminium?

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use a wire wheel attatchment on a drill and see how shiny you'll get the inlet mainfold looking, i did mine then sanded it with wet and dry and it came up real nice, the red detailing looks well 8) mate.

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That's what I used for the inlet man, man lol. Don't want to do that with the cam cover though as the alu shows scratches much more... The pic doesn't show how polished it really is, I'll take some more shots once it's back in the car as that may show it off better (without a doubt, as the rest of the engine is going to look very dull now :lol: )

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So any ideas on chroming the cam cover then? Prob not going to have time to do this before I put it all back together but would like to do this in the near future...

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Yes you can chrome alloy. The chrome platers will have done loads before so they will know what to do with regards to threads / ports / underside.....


Chroming is done over a highly polished surface. If you give the cover to the platers that is the first thing they will do, then it gets a covering of brass or copper (can't mind which) and then the shiny stuff. You can save yourself some £ by polishing the cover yourself but you will need a proper aluminium polishing kit with abrasives / sisal mop / cutting compounds + finnishing mops. Thing is that you can get such a good finnish with polishing it is questionable if chroming is worth the extra expense ? Does keep easier though.

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Cheers Tazkenny 8) , have polished it as far as it will go. Photo doesn't really do it justice... but there's a lot of discolouration in the alu that just won't polish out! I think the choming route is the best option and will polish it more before I hand it over... So next question is - Does anyone know of any good chromers(?) in the SE???


Plus - any costing ideas are welcome :?:

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