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AGM Corrado Club 2014

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Date set for the AGM 2014:


Sunday 6th of April 2014, start at 13:00, approx duration 3 hours.


Most folk already turn up from 12:00 onwards for some Corrado-chats and free entry to the Gaydon Heritage museum.


Do attend, more details in the events calendar, here: http://www.corradoclubgb.co.uk/ccgb16/index.php?option=com_illbethere&controller=events&task=view&id=76&Itemid=202


Please put your name down if you're intending to attend B)



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CCGB Members please go to the events section of the CCGB Site to put your name down please remember it is for the car only not the number of persons attending. Remember your comments and thoughts do count.


Also election to the CCGB Committee is open to every member at any time. If you feel you could offer something put your name forward for election at the next AGM in April 2014.


Look forward to seeing you in April


Please visit the CCGB Site front page for committee seeking to stand down this years also please read your latest sprinter for more details.

Edited by Rocket Ron

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Just an idea but why not move the AGM a few weeks and have it at the national day, that way there would be a good turn out of club members.



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I'm sure it's an idea that's been mooted before but the problem is the AGM is actually a 'business' type affair where club matters need to be discussed and it's a couple of hours - and typically locations where we have the National Day don't tend to have conference facilities! :) Plus we like to pitch the National Day as being family friendly, etc whereas the AGM is a bit too.. formal / boring.. for partners and kids!

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A reminder to all CCGB Members the AGM is 6th April please visit your club site for details and if you would like to volunteer your services to be a member of the committee.

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Just a reminder for all CCGB Members to visit your club site (Club Announcements) for details of the AGM 6TH APRIL.


CCGB Members please go to the events section of the CCGB Site to put your name down please remember it is for the car only not the number of persons attending. Remember your comments and thoughts do count.


Also election to the CCGB Committee is open to every member at any time. If you feel you could offer something put your name forward for election at the next AGM in April 2014. Details also in your new Sprinter Magazine.


Look forward to seeing you in April


Please visit the CCGB Site front page for committee seeking to stand down this years also please read your latest sprinter for more details.

Edited by Rocket Ron

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Last call.


Up for grabs:


Club chairman, treasurer and Sprinter club magazine editor!


Overview of the new show season.


Review of the alst year (shows, merchandise, financials - what do you get for your money, come and hear it all).


Visit the Gaydon Heritage Motor Museum for free, too.



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I'm coming still Eric.


Anyone fancying a convoy from anglia area just let me know.

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I'll have to have the kids in tow but I'm still coming too

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Good day out at Gaydon. Approx 15 Corrados I think with many folk arriving in other cars. There were no G60's which was a surprise.

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Good day out at Gaydon. Approx 15 Corrados I think with many folk arriving in other cars. There were no G60's which was a surprise.


They really seem to be getting very thin on the ground these days. A good, unmolested / original G60 is an extremely rare beast now :(

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Thanks everyone for turning up.


Felt we had a very good meeting, productive to say the least, and very good results:


Sarah our new treasurer

Neil our new webmaster


Congratulations to the posts and welcome to the committee :)


Chairman up for grabs still, so anyone fancies, although had one person showing a ¨serious¨ interest :)


There were no G60's which was a surprise.

Not really, as Jim said, they are getting very rare indeed. Maybe mine will make an appearance next year ;)



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Once again a good venue and an enjoyable day even though it was, strictly speaking, meant to be a meeting. It's the people that make it an enjoyable time.


In the three hour round trip there and back I hardly saw any interesting cars on the motorway apart from a couple of Astons. Aside from a few old bangers there were very few interesting cars over 10 years old on the drive up there. It seems like people throw older cars away which is such a shame but also makes the Corrado such a nice thing to own. But on the way back a bright blue Lamborghini shot past with a number plate of 4321 GO which did bring quite a smile to my face (432LGO?).


It wasn't the largest attendance this year but it did seem that the people attending were very passionate about the club and of Corrados. I'd also like to say thanks to the committee for all the events they ran last year and no doubt will do this year. It's a thankless task and one which is very much appreciated. The corrado scene would not be the same without all of your efforts.




One last pleasant surprise was to see the new owner of craigowls green storm. I recognised it in the car park as soon as I saw the rear bumper (reversing sensor covers - I considered his car at one point so had seen lots of close up pics he emailed me). It seems that the buyer last year sold it on again only a few months ago to the present owner who wasn't aware of its forum history (sorry didn't catch your name - lived near Cambridge I think?) and it's really nice to see a forum car back with someone who appears to be an enthusiast.


For the benefit of the current owner...


craigowls for sale thread last year:



craigowls owners thread:



and that bodyshop I highly recommended in Epping:


(Even though I moved areas a long time ago I still travel from Surrey to Essex to use them whenever I need some work done as I have used them for years and found their work to be excellent and much higher quality than the suspect bodyshops that VW themselves use)

Edited by Portent

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Once again a good venue and an enjoyable day even though it was, strictly speaking, meant to be a meeting. It's the people that make it an enjoyable time.


In the three hour round trip there and back I hardly saw any interesting cars on the motorway apart from a couple of Astons. Aside from a few old bangers there were very few interesting cars over 10 years old on the drive up there. It seems like people throw older cars away which is such a shame but also makes the Corrado such a nice thing to own. But on the way back a bright blue Lamborghini shot past with a number plate of 4321 GO which did bring quite a smile to my face (432LGO?).


It wasn't the largest attendance this year but it did seem that the people attending were very passionate about the club and of Corrados. I'd also like to say thanks to the committee for all the events they ran last year and no doubt will do this year. It's a thankless task and one which is very much appreciated. The corrado scene would not be the same without all of your efforts.


Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for your input into the meeting yesterday. Thought all the members who contributed raised good points or made good observations so it's really appreciated. Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat to you yesterday. Just the way it seems to go sometimes, but will hopefully catch up at some shows in the year. Also wanted to say I thought your kids were impeccably behaved - I know it can be a tough one for kids to sit through hours of us guys rambling on, so thought they were a credit to you that they kept themselves occupied & quiet throughout. Hope they enjoyed the museum (assuming you got to take them round?) :)

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Once again a good venue and an enjoyable day even though it was, strictly speaking, meant to be a meeting. It's the people that make it an enjoyable time.


...It seems like people throw older cars away which is such a shame but also makes the Corrado such a nice thing to own...


It wasn't the largest attendance this year but it did seem that the people attending were very passionate about the club and of Corrados. I'd also like to say thanks to the committee for all the events they ran last year and no doubt will do this year. It's a thankless task and one which is very much appreciated. The corrado scene would not be the same without all of your efforts...


I second all these points. Well done to the committee for your continued hard work to help all owners keep the spirit of the corrado alive and in the public eye.

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