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Transmission woes *Warning - may contain traces of rant*

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So as some of you may know by now, my C decided to have a bit of a moment on the way home, between christmas and new years. It decided to detonate the inner CV joint on the passengers side, and we were recovered back home by the RAC.


For some reason, with no warning, I was driving and heard this horrible scraping noise which sounded like my wheel rim scraping on the tarmac - I also lost power to the passenger side. I pulled over to the side of the road and inspected my tyres and wheels - all looked fine... funny I thought. Started the car back up and went to put into first and immediately heard a horrible scraping sound again so killed the engine, popped the bonnet - and saw my drive shaft flopping around inside the bay.


Anyway, on further inspection, all the inner drive shaft bolts were out and being held from falling to the floor by the little washers, the CV joint was in about 3 pieces and there was gunk everywhere. Thing is, there was absolutely no warning what so ever of this imminent failure.


So fast forward 2 weeks and here I am, £100 lighter, 2 days worth of stress (damn euro car parts), and still with a corrado sat on my driveway going nowhere. Both the inner and the outer CV joint have been replaced now with nice new parts, yet for some reason there still appears to be a tight spot when spinning the wheel.


At the same point on the driveshaft (marked with a pen) a "tight spot" appears when rotating and the gearbox pulls down on the gearbox mount, there is a loud "clunk" and then the gearbox then pings back up again to its correct position. The wheel will then turn freely again until the same spot. Both the CV joints are brand new and greased up heavily, everything went back together fine with no lining up issues... im a bit confused and also concerned that I may have a problem inside the box. The drivers side wheel spins freely with no problems.


Anyone have any thoughts on this? My next step is unfortunately going to have to be taking the damn lot off again and spinning the outer flange connected to the gearbox by hand, to see if this clunk appears then. If it does - gearbox job, if it doesnt - something is up with the driveshaft / cv joints.


Horah for fecking corrado's - Im very close to calling it quits with this vehicle now as it has cost me a damn fortune just keeping it running... :(

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Doesn't sound promising. Take the inner joint off and rotate the cup attached to the gb. Should give you an idea, but sounds like the shaft flapping about at speed has warped the cup/input onto the gb drive.

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On that flange... should there be any play? I did notice there was perhaps 5mm of travel in and out which I just assumed was normal to cope with changes in shaft length when turning?

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Reminds me of when my Austin 1300 GT decided to break a cage on the final drive bearing & a ball got trapped between the crown wheel & the case. I had put the car in reverse but it didnt want to move until I gave it some more welly there was a small popping noise then it was ok on the short journey home. Parked the car up & it deposited all its oil on the drive.

Hope your problem isnt quite as dramatic, & is easily fixed.

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Well, I think I must be having some serious bad luck already this year, upon removing the joint AGAIN yesterday afternoon... 2 greasy balls jumped out onto the floor! I double checked the gearbox span OK on its own and it did, no damage to the flange as I had already checked... took it back and fitted a replacement and all appears good now!


So a 2 hour max job turned into taking 2 days due to 1 completely incorrect part, 1 faulty part, then the correct one! What drama.

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