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Roger Chatfield

Bit of plastic jammed in throttle body

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So I was warming my engine up after fitting my replacement oil cooler, I was 'blipping' the throttle with my hand in the engine bay when all of a sudden it jammed open and the engine started bouncing off the limiter... I quickly switched off and unjammed the throttle, not sure what jammed it open.

Started up again and straight away it started revving so switched off straight away, TBH I thought the throttle plate spindle may have broken however once I removed the intake pipe I found this:




It's a bit of plastic that has jammed the throttle open, I was so lucky that it hasn't been sucked into the engine.


Here are some pics of it.







I haven't a clue where it has come from, there is nothing in the induction pipe or flow sensor housing and it couldn't have come from the airbox as there is a grill on the air flow sensor housing that stops anything entering the induction pipe.


Anyone have any idea's.



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I think that is a part of the clip that secure the fuel pipes to the rocker cover .. No idea how it would get in there though..

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Could have been nasty for the engine or even nastier if you were driving at the time and the throttle got stuck open.

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Thanks for the replies fella's.


With your help I have been able find the source of the culprit.




How the hell it managed to get into the induction pipe I'll never know, I have had the meter head off once about a month ago when I test fitted my BMC so maybe it flicked off into the pipe then.. god only knows.

It was covered in oil from the crankcase breather so I guess it's been there awhile..


All I can say is I've been bloody lucky.



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Very odd.


Don't think either of my pipe clamps have that bit on them anymore. Hopefully not lodged in the same place :(

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