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1.8 16v kr HEAD GASKET?

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HELPPPPP. It's being a ******* again!


It's been getting very hot and loosing coolant for a while now, but started to get worse the last couple of days.


right i've found out where the water is leaving my cooling system. It's fine for a while however feels a bit down on power, but the temp keeps rising and within literally two miles there is a jet of scalding water coming out of the side of the header tank where those two square hole things are. I'm guessing they're some kind of pressure control valve? I'm also guessing the pressure is getting too high because the head gasket is pressurising the system? Would explain why it also wont idle on it's own when first started, it has to be revved for a while first, it idles like **** and it feels generally slow and sluggish?


Just want to be sure before I throw another million pounds into it lol

Edited by shaunje

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Those holes are simply drain holes when the bottle is too full. But a pressurised system would cause this.


If it's boiling over with the cap off just off it's own accord then it's likely the gasket has gone. A certain way to check is the 'sniffer test', most garages will have one.


But it does sound like it has a few issues! An engine overhaul can be done for less than you expect really but is the easiest way to get all those lost horses back :D

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