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G60 RS Oulet

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What are peoples thoughts on the outlet linked bellow?




Want to replace the plastic silencer box, for something a little better.


Or should I just go for the bar-tek one, Would like a BBM one. Just don't fancy paying the import cost and taxes involved.

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You don't happen to still have your old one do you?


OCD are selling the BBM for £190, but I think that is a bit much. For what it actually is.

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You don't happen to still have your old one do you?


OCD are selling the BBM for £190, but I think that is a bit much. For what it actually is.


god thats ugly


RSR bbm all the way i dont know how that would fit in the engine bay its really tight around the standard fan housing and rad


like in life nothings cheap and you pay for what you get try searching flea bay for said item ?? they come up know and then


anyone got a G75 going cheap ??? lol



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That is true sparks :-)


This is going to be a long shot, can anyone lend me a proper RSR to take measurements off, so I can have a look at making my own.


Or could some supply all the measurements if I was to provide a rough sketch of the dimensions I need.


thanks in advance

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That is true sparks :-)


This is going to be a long shot, can anyone lend me a proper RSR to take measurements off, so I can have a look at making my own.


Or could some supply all the measurements if I was to provide a rough sketch of the dimensions I need.


thanks in advance


if your a skilled engineer and ace at turning then yeah you could fab one but its going to be alot of grief

you do know that you can buy one from £140 from ocd the £190 option is all the pipes and clips


what you got to weigh up is a chunk of alloy turning it down boring it out your time and effort my 60 is sorn at mo so i could supply details but seems alot of hassle


i could probly make one myself given the tools/machines infact i modded my rsr so it has blade cross memebers for better flow


just saying !!

Edited by sparks

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I have a BBM one but the bolts missing, no biggie will only cost a couple of quid for a bolt, comes with red silicone hose

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Well I've got supply of alloy and also access to CNC and milling machines. So it's just case of my time and effort. Also got support of some highly skilled engineers.


I also like a bit of challenge, lol



Sparks, if it's easy enough for you to supply the measurements it would be really appreciated.


G60CS, are you selling the one you have? Or is there any chance I could loan it for a few days. Will cover all postage cost and would be happy to pay deposit for you to refund once I send it back to you.

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I'd quite like to know how many hours and cost of materials and postage is once you've actually made one :)


id bet you do i can see pound signs rolling in your eyes !! knowing BBM they probly double the cost and manufactor and your mark up is im guessing 10 to 15%


stu ..

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Are you running the standard intercooler? If so then the bbm style/type in your first post will be fine.:cool: You won't be wanting a u-bend unless your running a fmic with the inlet on the drivers side. Although the bbm style can be used with both standard intercooler or fmic.:cool:

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No it was more down to the fact that making one as a one off for yourself will cost a lot more, fair enough having access to raw material and machines but not everyone has that.


I'm sure in the hours it takes out of your life doing so you could probably earn enough to just buy one!

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Matt, I just wanted to try and make one as a bit of challenge to me. I could buy one but where is the fun in that


At the end of the day, the way I see it it's just a bit of aluminium with hole in it. It doesn't look very complex in design, there is no moving part in it. It's just letting pressurised air pass through it. Maybe I'm wrong and there is more to it.


The thing is I can mess about with this sat at work, if it starts to get to much I can just scrap the whole idea, or come back to it at a later date.


Not sure how I can try and use my time and effort to earn more money, unless I go get a weekend job. But surely that would take more time and effort, that I don't want to give. Lol


If I don't get the measurements I will probably just end up buying one.


Riley, I'm just using the standard intercooler at present but who knows In future. But thanks for the advice

Edited by sankysvr6

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