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Johnny H

Has anyone got a Sony Xperia Z1??

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Hi all.


Does anyone own a Sony Xperia Z1.


I'm due an upgrade from my iPhone 4S and don't like the 5S, think its time to change brands.


I really like the Z1, well the waterproof side of it, Specially now my son has started swimming and love going underwater (at the private pool we use :) ). so would like to take underwater shoots..


I was just wondering what they are like?


Cheers Johnny

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I had sony phones for years. Then got their x10 and was the worst phone ever. Changed to a Samsung and never looked back.

Terrible support from Sony. Phone kept breaking and had to have new motherboard. Had put me off them forever.

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i had the xperia z absolutly loved it was great really clear screen brilliant camera etc etc but the screen cracked in my pocket and this is a regular issue due to the phone flexing in your pocket and cracking and once cracked 200 pound repair bill as the phone doesnt work with it cracked. Mine is sitting doing nothing i would hope they have solved this now though.

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My friend has a Z1 and he really likes it (incredible camera) but everyone has different experiences with mobile brands I've had Sony phones for years now and they keep getting better and better, so im gonna wait until the Z2 is released in april time? i'll never give apple a penny of my money lol

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I had iphones for years, upgraded to a z1. Biggest. Regret. Ever. It just aint the same, constant problems, and the camera thats supposed to be amazeballs just frustrates me. Its a nightmare to get it to focus at times, usually when im grabbing it for a quick pic.


And i just cant get used to the way it operates, maybe the apple setup just clicked with me i dont know but i flipping hate this phone

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Thanks for the input guys.


I've been looking around and now I'm stuck between the Sony Z2 and the Samsung S5.


Both very similar phone and prob the best out there. In my eyes anyway.

I've had it with the iPhone, it just didn't change to much from the 4S. Time for a change.

I could always go back if I'm not happy.


Thanks again guys. Any more input is more than welcome :)

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