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EJ Taylor

Stiff throttle pedal?

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since ive had the car its head a really stiff throttle cable. im used to it now, but when people drive it its always the first thing they notice, would be nice to have a loose one like in every other car ive driven, before i get the tools/wallet out was just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue?

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Probably gunked up cable internally.:thumbleft: Best bet is a new one if so. Whatever you do though, don't spray it with anything (Lube/Oil/WD40) They are self lubricating and spraying them with anything is a 'No no'.


If you think it probably is the cable that's knackered, then I suppose you could pop some wd40 in there to see the effect (Will probably feel really good until it feels crap again and then ends up worse)


Be worth checking the routing beforehand as well, check for excessive kinks and maybe lube the throttle body mechanism etc.


EDIT: They do tend to be a bit stiffer feeling than most other cars as standard actually, but a worn/gunky cable makes it much worse.



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Be interested to know what a new throttle cable costs from VW if you happen to go and enquire EJ Taylor - a few people that have driven my VR remarked that the throttle cable was very stiff and I kept meaning to go see about ordering a new one.

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I've found it too on my own and my Dad's, not sure why it's so heavy - my f-i-l thinks it's an economy spring ;)

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When I got mine they gave me the wrong one. Despite giving them the car reg etc. Worth checking your pedal end first.


Can't remember what it cost. Probably about £40.


Be interested to know what a new throttle cable costs from VW if you happen to go and enquire EJ Taylor - a few people that have driven my VR remarked that the throttle cable was very stiff and I kept meaning to go see about ordering a new one.

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Be interested to know what a new throttle cable costs from VW if you happen to go and enquire EJ Taylor - a few people that have driven my VR remarked that the throttle cable was very stiff and I kept meaning to go see about ordering a new one.


in the same boat there jim, and for sure ill let you know as soon as i do!


I've found it too on my own and my Dad's, not sure why it's so heavy - my f-i-l thinks it's an economy spring ;)


glad its not just me on this seems to be very common


When I got mine they gave me the wrong one. Despite giving them the car reg etc. Worth checking your pedal end first.


Can't remember what it cost. Probably about £40.


yer i read up somewhere there is 2 different ones for the corrado, to do with the late and the earlier model, can determine wich one using the chasis no, something to do with one having a hook on the end and one not.

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I had this with my VR too & the gf had it with her storm - mine was some time ago but the gf's was only changed a few months back


i have a feeling the late VR cables are no longer available from VW as my mechanic struggled to get get one which fitted correctly for the gf


however, with a new cable the throttle feel is vastly improved :D

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I had a stiff pedal until I got a new cable, new cable made a world of difference,

Mine has a ball on the end where it attaches to the pedal linkage (above clutch pedal)

I only used mine for 3 months before I removed it and went DBW,

IIRC all in it was just over £40

Bit of a pain if it's now obsolete,

I'm planning on taking mine to Santa pod this Sunday with some other stuff I'm selling but if it's the correct one for anyone here, how does £25 delivered sound?


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