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Refurbing Headlights

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For those who have tackled this already what is the best procedure for refurbing headlights?


Tips for splitting them down with breaking anything? Ive seen the wiki on stripping them but wondered if anyone had any experiences they'd want to share?


Cleaning fluids needed etc etc?

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Supercharged may be the man to ask Micheal he recently sold a set I have taken one apart as the back had been damaged and all I can say is like anything else with these take your time it's not hard taking them apart but like tomi say's if the reflector's are showing their age this would be something to do while they are split.

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They do look pretty special tbf. There are bound to be UK based companies that offer this service though. £100 seems a bit rich to me is all. :shrug:

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my price incl.

- old reflectors , refurb and shiping ,

I think is a fair price

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They do look pretty special tbf. There are bound to be UK based companies that offer this service though. £100 seems a bit rich to me is all. :shrug:

I can understand where you are coming from too Sean Tomi is selling to perhaps those who don't have a lot of spare time which is fair although I'm sure there must be somewhere here that would refurbish them cheaper possibly a new group buy if we could arrange it?

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I'm not trying to undermine you Tomi, I understand its probably a fair price for everything you mention. I just couldn't personally justify spending that much money on a set of reflectors is all. That said, I am a tight arsed git!

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EDIT: My Headlight Splitting Here:thumbleft:


This stuff looks quite impressive; just not sure how it would react to the heat from the bulbs...








That stuff is meant to be pretty amazing, Jay Leno did a feature on it.:thumbleft: Problem is that Chrome doesn't reflect light very well (Absorbs it instead) It's actual Silver that reflects on the headlight reflectors I think...Done with Vac bagging or something.



Edited by Riley

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