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  JEZR said:
Top Gear hasn't got much to do with cars. Just view it as light entertainment. As for smashing up old cars - taking another Morris Marina off the road is nothing but a good thing! Piece of BL crap!


I agree about the BL stuff, they have alot to answer for in the 70's, wrecking the mini (I know thats BL but I like em) in the India Special annoyed me. and the hot hatch special where they trashed that mk2 gti annoyed me.

Edited by Erallus

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The mini from that episode is still alive and well,owned by a guy I know so not sure how many of the cars are totally destroyed ,I still enjoy top gear but has to be taken lightly,.

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  Jim said:
I like it when Chris Harris does a serious or enthusiast type piece on a car. His little video on the Audi Quattro and Ford RS200 as a sort of 'meet the heroes' type exercise I really enjoyed, but like the 'road tests' in Top Gear where they're just sideways on every corner, it does nothing for me. I want to learn a bit about the cars, the history, the engineering & technical information, etc - not just see how many times they can go sideways.


He's back in the Ferrari good books again anyway - he owned an FF up until very recently, and also owns a 512TR.


Agreed. His P1 video in Dubai was absolutely fantastic. A proper 30 mins or so, the guy from McLaren was there giving really decent info and Chris wasn't wearing his stupid "I'm a Hoonatic" type T-Shirts and it was almost bordering on quality journalism.


I like how Chris - who normally shys away from the media in his self deprecating way - has gone on a timber loss plan and appears to have whiter teeth. Hypocrites, the lot of em.


As for TG, I have learned a lot about CARS through watching them. For example, their Saab piece was superb. Who would have known Saabs were THAT strong without that episode? I didn't know that.


Clarkson is always honest about his appraisals and gives people both sides of the story when it comes to Supercars. It would be a shame to see them ago, but I agree they need to keep it fresh and up their game a little.

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  Kevin Bacon said:

As for TG, I have learned a lot about CARS through watching them. For example, their Saab piece was superb. Who would have known Saabs were THAT strong without that episode? I didn't know that.


Exactly! It's those pieces I love. You get a little of their humor and rapport, mixed in to something interesting. Those sorts of segments I could watch over and over again. Their piece they did at the motor museum when they tried to establish when the first 'conventional' car layout of the three pedals, steering wheel came about was also great for the same reasons.

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The only stuff I really HATE on TG is Hammond and his stupid, Taxi / Bus / Carvan / Airport vehicles / plant machinery, Destruction Derbys........ and the utterly mind numbingly boring Car football type nonsense. Everything else, inc the road trips, I really like :)

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  Kevin Bacon said:
The only stuff I really HATE on TG is Hammond and his stupid, Taxi / Bus / Carvan / Airport vehicles / plant machinery, Destruction Derbys........ and the utterly mind numbingly boring Car football type nonsense. Everything else, inc the road trips, I really like :)


Think we're on the same page there. The road trips are always fun. The Vietnam one and Bolivian ones were really good!

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The thing with TG is that is highly inaccurate with alot of the stuff they describe as factual. Some of it blatant lies. It's good for a laugh and most of the editing and camera work on the supercar tests is the best in the buisiness but it's target audience has gone well beyond the simple car enthusiast. Not sure how we'd lose TG up here. BBC Scotland is quite big and also produces a hell of a lot of english made programmes so can't envision much of a change there.

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But surely there will be no funding for and therefore no BBC Scotland if it's independant?

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  KipVR said:
But surely there will be no funding for and therefore no BBC Scotland if it's independant?


Yes..... The idea of an independent Scotland with a British Broadcasting Corporation input does seem faintly ridiculous.

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  KipVR said:
But surely there will be no funding for and therefore no BBC Scotland if it's independant?


A valid point, though people in Ireland do not pay licence fees but receive BBC programmes as a block fee is paid by their government to the BBC. Wouldn't miss it too terribly to be honest as I don't watch much telly but the recent coverage of the referendum by the BBC has only put me off more. Have a close look at the No flag in this picture from the BBC website.[ATTACH=CONFIG]79777[/ATTACH]

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  Gti_Jamo said:
Scotland will introduce the BBCAye Player. Problem solved.


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  Wullie said:
......look at the No flag in this picture from the BBC website.[ATTACH=CONFIG]79777[/ATTACH]


Good grief, that is astonishing!


The Labour tag in the corner raises an interesting point though that I haven't heard discussed; obviously Labour and Conservative will withdraw from the Scottish political arena in the event of a 'yes' vote - after all they don't run for office in Ireland, Belgium or France! So, will that leave just the SNP and then a few token pressure group type parties?


Doesn't sound like much of a democracy....

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  Kevin Bacon said:
Does it mean we'll have to pay import duty on Shortbread?


Don't panic Kev, if it happens I'll smuggle some down any time I manage to get through the checkpoints and border patrols. I'll maybe have to study up on how to get past the guard haggis. :)

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  MarkFoster said:
Good grief, that is astonishing!


The Labour tag in the corner raises an interesting point though that I haven't heard discussed; obviously Labour and Conservative will withdraw from the Scottish political arena in the event of a 'yes' vote - after all they don't run for office in Ireland, Belgium or France! So, will that leave just the SNP and then a few token pressure group type parties?


Doesn't sound like much of a democracy....


Assuming a Yes vote. I don't see the labour etc MSP's withdrawing as they are elected within Scotland, plus they are addicted to their salaries etc.. There will probably be a knee jerk vote against those parties who campaigned against independence. Who knows? That's a wait and see till 2016 when elections would take place.


Assuming a No vote we'll get Conservative or a Conservative coalition anyway. As long as whoever is in charge I hope they don't make ants a protected species!!

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OMG - I thought I was well and truely alone with my thoughts on TC and TG.

Haven't watched the programme for a few years.


On the odd time I raise it I seem to have chosen someone who is in love with the programme !!

Clarkson and the money spent producing the programme properly winds me up.

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  Wendy said:
OMG - I thought I was well and truely alone with my thoughts on TC and TG.

Haven't watched the programme for a few years.


On the odd time I raise it I seem to have chosen someone who is in love with the programme !!

Clarkson and the money spent producing the programme properly winds me up.


Top Gear is sold all over the world, the BBC makes a profit from it hence its current slapstick themed shows - a sort of The Last of the Summer Wine - Next Generation

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