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Dave W

How much would you pay

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There is a minted valver on ebay. 38000 miles . 1 owner, but its £7500. What in peoples opinion is it worth or is it worth that if your willing to pay that. Seems a bit ott to me.

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It was originally advertised at £9000 a couple of months ago. Depends how much you like valvers I suppose!


That kind of money could get you a very nice vr.

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Depends what you want it for. Some people would buy something like that and only drive it to shows to get a pat on the back and a trophy made in a cobblers.


Would you want to drive it everyday? I think you have to be a certain sort of car fan to fork out for something like that. Much more car to be had for the money.


I still believe cars are for driving. Let museums do the preserving. They always win at it.

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It's worth what someone wants to pay , at the end of the day . These cars are fast becoming a modern classic , in my opinion they have been at rock bottom for a long time . Prices are on the rise , for the better ones . And quite right to . As Hammond said a good few years back , it's a bit if a mongrel , but VW knew what they were doing , ok that was about the VR , but even so the corrado is a fantastic car .

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Depends what you want it for. Some people would buy something like that and only drive it to shows to get a pat on the back and a trophy made in a cobblers.


Would you want to drive it everyday? I think you have to be a certain sort of car fan to fork out for something like that. Much more car to be had for the money.


I still believe cars are for driving. Let museums do the preserving. They always win at it.


Dead right!

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Depends what you want it for. Some people would buy something like that and only drive it to shows to get a pat on the back and a trophy made in a cobblers.


Would you want to drive it everyday? I think you have to be a certain sort of car fan to fork out for something like that. Much more car to be had for the money.


I still believe cars are for driving. Let museums do the preserving. They always win at it.

Agreed id rather buy a daily driver than a show stopper low miler

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Totally agree with comments. Would be ruined if you used as daily, but whats the point of spending that much and not using it.

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Some people would be quite happy keeping it wrapped up and bringing it to the odd show. I suppose that way you can keep it mint and in fairness it is great to see corrados in this kind of condition. I do think it is impressive how people spend so much time and effort to keeping them in this kind of condition.


But for people who want to use them, buying a car like that would be daft. You'd be better off spending 3-4k on a decent one that you could use IMO.

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But for people who want to use them, buying a car like that would be daft. You'd be better off spending 3-4k on a decent one that you could use IMO.


Totally agree. On a separate note I can't believe the Blackberry Corrado VR6 (of ChrisL fame) is up for sale again. This will soon have more owners in a year than miles!

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The problem with low mileage is, if you drive them they are no longer low mileage!


And as my experiance has taught me, a 20 year old car that's been stood about (even dry stored) and hardly used from year to year comes with a whole load of other problems :(



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Some people would be quite happy keeping it wrapped up and bringing it to the odd show.


But people like that get an aneurysm if a bird takes a dump on it, whereas I'm happy for bird lime to fall off my paint in the fullness of time :lol:


And as my experiance has taught me, a 20 year old car that's been stood about (even dry stored) and hardly used from year to year comes with a whole load of other problems :(


Exactly. Rubber and plastic parts still age, even if not used and cars need regular air flow over, under and through them, otherwise they get stale and can start rotting from the inside out.


If people can live with stone chips (impossible to avoid), then motorway cars are the best and fittest examples to buy.

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