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GTI International 2015

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GTI International 2015 will be at the same venue over the weekend of July 4 - 5.


Having been to scout out the new site for Inters I booked a stand for our club for 2015, believing that it is worth a visit again to mark our presence at this once iconic show, which seems to really be doing its best to get back on the map of VW events in the events calendar.


If anything, the amount of traders and discounts they were offering made it worth my while attending, official VW dealership in attendance with classic selection of cars all rounding off the day.


There is potential for a quiet camping area on the site, voice your interest here :)


Earlybird offer 25% discount off the normal gate price (which is the same as last year!)


Book online from Monday 8th December to 5th January 2015.





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