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Gearbox Choice in 2.8 24v - CCM or Corrado Box with Peloquin LSD

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Hi guys,


We've just purchased a CCM gearbox with a Peloquin LSD installed for our 2.8 24v Corrado Track Car.


We are now facing a choice.


Are we better removing the LSD form the CCM gearbox which has a longer final drive (3.3) and fitting it to the Corrado gearbox (3.6 final drive)?


Or are we better off using the CCM box as is??


Knockhill is the track closest to us - however we are also planning on various UK track days and have also booked a tour to Spa and Nurburgring.


The engine is currently producing 240hp and 220lb/ft. I know the CCM box is a lot more suited to an F/I car, but looking for some peoples opinions before doing 2 gearbox changes.





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The UK Corrado box is code CHN which has the same ratios and 3.39 final drive as the Golf CCM box. The U.S. Corrado has a 3.68 fd which can also be found in the G60 box.

If you don't have a 3.68, get one it's worth it.

Edited by science

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I run a 02A CBA box with a 3.94 FD. At Knockhill, I'm maxxing out at appx 120mph on main straight, that's right at the top of 4th gear on 16" wheels. I'm running a lot more power and torque though.


I'd suggest you want to use the shorter final drive at Knockhill and that will also give you plenty of headroom for circuits down south although I suspect that you'll never use 5th gear anyhow.


See how you get on with the Peloquin. I ditched mine after the 1st season, couldn't get traction out of the hairpin and it just didn't agree with Knockhill. Tran-X with adjusted ramping sorted that out.


I'll be up on Sat if you fancy a blether.

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From the trackdays Ive done at Knockhill I had a 3.68FD in the VRT and it was good and wouldn't get near topping out.


When I went back with the current std car with std box I realized how long geared the std box is. Basically only used 2nd and 3rd IIRC. I would try and get a 3.68FD at a minimum for a track car but saying that the 24v torque curve might change that as the 12v needs to be at or above 4krpm. I had speaking to the guy that had the box you bought as I was told it had the shorter FD but seems not. Might be worth trying first as you will be able to sell it on afterwards quite easily if it doesn't suit the car.

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Thanks for the help and info guys.


If it doesn't have a 3.6 final drive at present, where is best place to get a hold of one?

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G60 boxes have them, and if you get one change the 3rd gear for the G60's as well as its better. Basically the best OEM mistmatch box is a VR6 with 3.68FD and G60 3rd gear.


OR there is the 4motion boxes but they require different shafts etc etc or a V5 Golf gearbox also works I think. In fact theres a guy on VR6oc selling a V5 box I think that would maybe suit a track car.

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G60 boxes have them, and if you get one change the 3rd gear for the G60's as well as its better. Basically the best OEM mistmatch box is a VR6 with 3.68FD and G60 3rd gear.


OR there is the 4motion boxes but they require different shafts etc etc or a V5 Golf gearbox also works I think. In fact theres a guy on VR6oc selling a V5 box I think that would maybe suit a track car.


I sold my V5 box for £20 in the end, no one wants them it seems

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Thanks for the help and info guys.


If it doesn't have a 3.6 final drive at present, where is best place to get a hold of one?


2nd hand, new items are bonkers money.


Either find someone who's split a box or just buy any box with the compatible FD you need. Loads of 02A boxes use 3.684 FD's.


There's also a load of others that use a 3.647 FD, including the CDM which I think (not 100% sure) is the Corrado VR6 gearbox, is that the box you have? If so, I'd just swap the diff over and see how you get on, there won't be a huge amount of difference between that and a 3.684 FD.

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Also meant to say, if you ditch the CCM I'd probably take it off you, it has the 1st and 2nd gears I'm looking for.

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Lots of options and possibilities then.


I'll need to double check what box I have. I was under the impression it's a CDM that's fitted, but I keep finding conflicting stories about VR6 gearboxes and many people saying they are all the same. I'll try and find the plaque with the code on later today.


I'll get a chat with you on Saturday HummuH :)

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UK VR boxes are pretty much all the same ratios I believe with a few different codes. None of the UK ones came with 3.68 or similar FD as far as I know.

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UK VR boxes are pretty much all the same ratios I believe with a few different codes. None of the UK ones came with 3.68 or similar FD as far as I know.


3.39 as standard. The US SLC got the 3.68 as standard to make up for the lack of power compared to the Euro VR6.

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So swapping boxes like for like will leave me with the same gearing pretty much, but with an LSD for grip??


It desperately needs an LSD of some kind. Lighting 3rd gear tonight at numerous positions in the rev range. If its wet on Saturday at Knockhill we're in for a treat lol.

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That's very confusing as all the gearbox ratio charts show the CDM as having a 3.647 R&P. Must be using US specs.

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Thats what I'm reading HummuH but all seems to be US spec of the CDM. I haven't had a proper look for gearbox code currently fitted to the car at present. Will try get a look today at some point.

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Had a look on the gearbox and the plaque on the top is missing where the code is usually.


Is there anywhere else on the gearbox i can find the code?

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I'm no track day fanatic but as I've got a similar power little less

I find the ratios too long overall

Imo get a shorter FD and slightly longer 1st

But then I've been thinking if with a diff if I'd get Enough traction in dry to not have wheel spin in 1st??

Edited by Mk3highline

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Todays track day confirmed the gearbox ratios are far too long. COuldn't get beyond 100mph, top end of 3rd and your were about 30yards short of braking point rather than changing into 4th. It was very wet for most of today so will get quicker when dry, but not that much.


Frustrating, but great track day overall. Now to look into the options properly of what box to get/build. Coullstars mentioned one of 3.6 FD and G60 3rd sound promising.

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Found a couple of V5 gearboxes on eBay reasonably priced. These are fitted with a 3.9 final drive.


I'm considering purchasing this box and fitting the Peloquin LSD to it from the CCM box.


The gearbox codes from the V5 boxes are FBK and DZL. From a hit searching both are very similair.


Anybody have any experience with either if these boxes?

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