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when is it best to install the vr6 flywheel crank seal?? timing cover on or off?

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the crank seal behind the flywheel on the vr6 engine, is it best to install it with the lower timing cover on or off? whats the best way? a lot of people say the plastic guide you buy makes it more difficult.



Edited by paceo

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Fit it with cover off. It's not just slide in. I use a bit of wood and a hammer to tap it in. Just take your time and work around the edge.

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As above, fit it with the cover off as you will need to drive it into position.

its quite a tight fit, I heated up my cover in the oven and cooled the seal in the freezer to help with fitting but it was still tight and needed some hammer action.


One thing I did notice, when I refitted the cover (with new crank seal) it was tight so I pre-lubed the crank shaft, it is a little fiddly and the first time I fitted it the spring on the seal came off, luckily my engine was on an engine stand and I noticed it when I went to refit the sump but it was still a pain removing the whole cover again and refitting it... it's worth getting a torch and checking the seal is sested correctly before you do the cover bolts up.



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have you got a plastic guide you want to send me, obviously I will pay. mine did not come with it for some reason?

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until its flush ive done it to, bloody hell it is a pain to fit isnt it! just had a trial run and the spring came off the seal! im thinking of gently using a blunt bread knife to help it in?

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I never had a guide with mine, it's possible to fit without a guide, just use lube and make sure the spring doesn't come off.




yes rog its just fiddly and especially when im using sealent trying not to get it everywhere as im a clean freak, I notice from factory they never used sealent?

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Currently in the process of doing this myself with the engine in the car, can anyone confirm the top cover also have to be taken off ? (can't remember how this was), but thinking it would be easier to install bottom cover then top cover again =

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