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Sparking like noise

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Hi guys I never seem to get a reply on here but hopefully I will this time as I desperately need help. But perhaps I'm just doing something wrong and no one is seeing my threads.


Basically the last few weeks my 92 vr6 has been juddering when driving and majorly when pedals further down and has been seriously low on power. I can feel the car wanting to slow down basically even when my foots to the floor and is juddering and stuttering. I changed fuel filter, fuel pump, spark plugs, oil and filter and still no luck. Seems to be getting worse and worse as the days go on.


When I put the ignition on there's a strange buzzing/sparking/electrical noise coming from the engine somewhere and doesn't go away. Its as if its trying to power something but can't hence the lack of power.


Really needing help with this. Would be much appreciated folks




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Get someone to try starting it whilst you have the bonnet open mate. Sounds like arching from the HT Leads to me, and if you start it in the dark, if that is the issue you'll probably see a nice little fireworks display around the culprit from the arching. Thats my first thought anyway mate.

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Do you mean with ignition on only, or with engine running? If running, I'd agree with Sean, as my VR had similar symptoms when one lead was arcing across to the manifold gasket (bending the protruding bit of gasket out of the way fixed it). If the noise is without the engine running then it won't the HT system arcing. Maybe your aux water pump could be making the buzzing noise?

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Yeah it's with the ignition off. I've found out that it's the relay that's making the judder but the noise appears to be something else. Its coming from the main cluster of wires in between the engine and the washer bottle I'll get a foto up tommorlw to show what I mean. Its just like sparking. Theres about 10 wires at a guess. Different colors. Might well be something to do with the relay but unsure. Not a nice sound.

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Yeah the multi plug is what I mean. I've just googled it. I'm not greatly mechanically minded I'm afraid. And I can't see where to upload fotos to this thread.

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