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Corrado Amphicar

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Went for a run out with some of my friends yesterday and along the route came across this little obstacle...


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whoa!! how the hell did you not cut out!?


Haha God knows! Superior German engineering? :lol: I was out with a load of 30s-60s American cars and Hot Rods and some of them really don't like my car and bearing in mind my car is significantly lower than any of theirs, I was really worried about being the one that cut out...

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Haha God knows! Superior German engineering? :lol: I was out with a load of 30s-60s American cars and Hot Rods and some of them really don't like my car and bearing in mind my car is significantly lower than any of theirs, I was really worried about being the one that cut out...


i bet you were m8


good job yours doesn't have one of those carbonio air intakes, that would have been disaster

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All the Corrado's I've ever had, I've only broken down twice needing to call out the AA. The first time was after driving through a ford. I never found out exactly what happened but.. it wasn't crazy deep (I'd seen a few other cars go through) so I ventured in and kept at a steady speed. Booted it up the hill once I was out and the car hiccupped a bit but was fine then. About 5 minutes down the road began to get lumpy and then just wouldn't run. Uh oh.


AA guy spent some time looking at the problem, and ultimately towed me home.


In the end I'd assumed some water had got into the fuel system somehow and after a tankful of fuel additive that somehow is supposed to fix that, the car would eventually run a bit, and then run a bit smoother, and a bit more and then eventually was fixed.


Never worked out for certain what happened though!

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Can't quite see but did that go up over your bonnet?


You nut job! I'd have turned back.

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Nice bow wave!


Standard airbox will be fine as the headlight will deflect most of the water and any that does end up in there will drain out of the holes in the bottom half. Max revs and driving too fast would be a different story tho!

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Well I'm running a BMC with a nice fat hole just below it so was a bit risky but tbh there was about 12 cars on a single track road behind me so I'd rather have killed my car than have the shame of backing that lot up :lol:


Yeah came over the bonnet Mic - up to the scuttle and just touched the bottom of the screen. I went in a bit cautiously but when I realised how deep it was I decided that discretion wasn't the better part of valor and just nailed it!


Obviously not my car but gives you the idea of the depth



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Jamie you mad *******! My brother in law trashed his car when we had the floods. He had it in his head that if he kept revs high it wouldn't cut out! Cue sized engine, and he asked me to look if it could be fixed. One plug removed told me there wasn't a chance!!!!

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