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Average temp for Corrado?

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Just wondering what's a normal temp range for the Corrado whilst driving. A month ago before I resprayed it I was sat in some traffic and steam started to come from under the bonnet and it displayed a temp of 128°c! Obviously had to pull over and wait for it to cool down looked like a right plonker. So I fitted a new water hose because the other was leaking all the coolant out. Topped up my coolant and went out for a spin in yesterday for the first time after its respray and it got up to 106°c. Have I got another problem somewhere?

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106 is perfectly fine. That's oil temp though not water temp. Water is indicated by the dash needle and oil indicated by the mfa readout. Oil will always be higher than water but just keep an eye on it

The 16v should run cooler than the VR but with spirited driving or in slow traffic, 106 is fine. Over 120 though and I'd say you have issues somewhere in the system.

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Water temp should stay pretty stable on a well functioning 16v engine even in traffic, I used to see very little movement on the water temp gauge.


Oil wise it usually sat below 90 deg C until I gave it some beans and would then never drop below the mid 90s after - this demonstrates the way the Corrado engine bay suffers from heat soak and how it can't get rid of it after.


You should not really be seeing more than 110 deg C oil temp in a well functioning valve but it won't do any harm.

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Must be my spirited driving then ;) Haven't heard my fans for a while though which is concerning I used to park up and here them after I'd turned the car off now I don't.

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