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Chris VR6nos

Chris VR6nos

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Some pics of my baby, but soon to be back to life! Get the Nitrous back on and fit the Vortech Supercharger in it's rightful place! :twisted: :D :twisted: :D :twisted: :D


Feel free to offer comments!




Chris VR6nos

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If you dont mind me asking, what happened to cause the damage? What brakes are you running behind the speedlines to cope with the power?

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The speedlines were put on after the crash, std brakes are ok 'till you stop a few times then you get break fade, but 312mm or 320mm discs with 4pot brembo's are to go on.


I pulled out to see past roadwork barriers and an old couple in a Corsa hit me from the side, they said they were doing 40mph before they braked, the skid marks were only 6foot long!


Went to see it today, should be getting it back tomorrow!

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Was very upset, think there was a little tear, it's been 6months since i crashed and i've not been the same since!

My mate Paul who had C6 SVR first will prob take me up to get it maybe 2moro.




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Chris, are those security plates on the door handle? Any chance of a close up photo? What do u think of them? I've not seen em on a rado b4 & thought they might look crap

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Chris did someone have a go on your handles, coz i only used to put them on golfs once someone has had a go with a screwdriver to hide the damage.


With golfs anyway if you put them on before and someone tried to get into the car it would just end up with more damageto the door.


They dont look bad at all, though ppl who dont like them could always paint them.

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I think they look ok.

No, the door was undamaged and only put the plates on to deter w*****s from having a go!





Chris, with my VR6 back now, but the water falls out the bottom now! :cry:

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Hi Chris


Well at least she is back at home to be finished off and driving my VR gave you a bit of a taste of what you have been missing !! :D


Cheers mate c u later :lol:

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yeah cheers for that james,

your car feels nice to drive, better than mine i'd say, good strong acceleration!

Having kittens with this wiring though :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Just looking forward to pulling the box off tomorrow :shock:






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A BIG old shout for James (CorradoVR6-n.o.s)!!!!!!!!!!

Thanx mate for all the help with the clutch change, well for doing it for me as i didn't do anything myself!!!!!

Again THANX!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D


But look what he did to my car! :wink:




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Bloody hell chris, i didnt realise it was quite that bad!

Have heard your back on the road again but havent managed to catch up with you.

I still have the banana (lowered even more now!!!!) but toying with the idea of a VR6...........

Anyway catch you about

Mark 8)

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Mark, it's my everyday car again now, just have no cash to go tootling down to Bish of an evening these days but sure to see you soon.

There are more pics on here somewhere of my car with some bent bits and some with the charger i'm sure you'll have seen




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Indeed, that is Guy's slightly-mental Storm with Vortech s/c and Schrik manifold thingy.

And Climatronic - which looks cool in the flesh! (Pun not intended)

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New bit for my ever hungry VR.

Just came this morning.


Quite sexy, thought it was hard plastic(the red bit) but it's squidgy rubbery stiff :-D




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...Quite sexy, thought it was hard plastic(the red bit) but it's squidgy rubbery stiff :-D




You bit the bullet and got the fake boobs then Chris?

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You know, Transform are doing quite a good deal at the moment :)

Yip, it's a VR front engine mount fron VF-engineering.


Getting some powerflex bushes, full kit at the end of this week should look nice in purple!




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Chris where did you get your supercharger from?


I may be looking for one myself towards the end of this year to go my v^ 4motin Corrado creation.


How much didit cost if you dont mind me asking?

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CoxyLaad, I'll keep this one brief 'cos it's been asked and answered lots on here.


It's a Vortech V9fsq charger from NS-Racing in Edgeware & the cost to you is £2500 supply only, i believe Stealth fit them for £500 or was it £300? not sure but i fitted it along with my friend one day and it's transformed the drive of the already good VR6.


Drop me a PM if you want to know anything in more detail :)




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