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Relay 109.... on the Fritz?

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Intermittent problem with what i think may be Relay 109. Had a similar problem a little while back, engine would not fire up and there was a

ticking/clicking noise coming from the fuse box when turning the engine over. This has started happening again, and the last time, it turned out to be

the Knock Sensor which need replacing.


This time, there's another twist. On three occasions, the engine has just cut out and I have another noise from the fuse box when this happens,

but it's not the clicking noise.... it's like a child's ray-gun toy, similar to a kind of 'whirring' noise. When this has happened, i just turn the ignition off,

and then just start the car up again, and it's like it never happened.


All this is pointing to an ignition problem and i think i'm right in thinking that Relay 109 is what controls this. Maybe someone can confirm? Would

really like to get this sorted with Christmas coming up as i have a long drive to the West Country from Surrey on Christmas Eve. The knock sensor

was replaced around 18 months ago so i'm not sure if this is the culprite this time.


Anyone with any input out there?




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Ignition switch maybe?
Hello Sean, not entirely sure this could be it as the noises are definitely coming from the direction

of the fuse box. When you say 'ignition switch', what do you specifically mean? Cheers!

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Test the relay by applying 12v to it directly and see if it chatters. Bedt to replace anyway, just to rule it out. About £12 iirc.

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Ignition switch maybe?
Hello Sean, guess what went on the fritz yesterday morning?? Yep - the ignition switch!!

Went totally intermittent and i've had to get it swapped out for a new one this morning. Looks like you were spot on after all!!

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Alright buddy, sorry I didn't reply previously I've just seen it, but glad you've got to the bottom of your problem. Its a relatively cheap and easy fix at least!

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Alright buddy, sorry I didn't reply previously I've just seen it, but glad you've got to the bottom of your problem. Its a relatively cheap and easy fix at least!
The part and the labour was GBP101..... so no, not too bad.

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