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Brake backing shield plates

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Doing a complete overhaul underneath my VR6 corrado and have remove my brakes including my brake plates. VW Heritage have since run out of these...anywhere else sell these?

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I bought both sets last year . Without looking at the receipts I'm not sure where the backs came from . It was either Hetitage or Veedubmachine. Since Heritage have none , I would ring dubmachine . Hope them have them for you chap .

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The front brake shields are rarer than hens teeth. I can't find anywhere that does them. I wish someone would do a pattern part as these fit other vr6 models as well. Good luck searching

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Try VW spares, they had some in stock when I was looking to do mine, are you looking for front or rear?


A friend at work's brother in law works for TPS and they were still able to get the rears for me, not cheap mind.

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Rears weren't a problem. It's the front ones everyone says NOOOOO to me. .. I'll try them now, thanks

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When you say vw spares what exact company do you mean? Google is giving me lots to choose from

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