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Cheapy ISV

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I'm in need of a replacement ISV, trouble is I don't fancy paying £200 odd quid from VW, and I don't want to get a second hand one for fear of it going within a couple of months too. There are quite a few on ebay around the £30 mark, and I know you get what you pay for but they have a 2 year guarantee/warranty so was wondering if anyone had actually bought one and tried it?

Is it worth a punt?


Thanks all!

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Never tried a cheapo but at £30 it may be worth a punt. I have 2 spares Bosch units for my valver, both purchased from good old ebay when I thought mine was causing me issues (it wasn't, an air leak was).


I think one of my spares is from VR as it has a slightly larger sized outlet pipe.

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I got one a few months back, fixed my ISV problem and seems to work fine. VW one will probably just be some rebranded chinese stuff anyway

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Have similarly heard positive things about the cheapo ISV's.. has to be worth a punt.

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Thanks chaps, ordered. As said for the price and a 2 year guarantee, has to be worth a punt. My vcds codes for isv & maf have come back, and idle is all over the place although not cutting out yet, so fingers crossed this sorts it.

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