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Beachbuggin on Southsea Common

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The missus just put this on my radar after spotting it on facebook.




Half price entrance for club stands (£10 normally so £5 per vehicle) but free to the walking public. Still cheaper than parking in the area!


I'd be willing to organise on behalf of CCGB with permission, or even for the Forum if not.

Date is 7th August which is the same weekend as the Scirocco National day, and the week before our one at VW Festival.


Anyone interested let me know on this thread, and if there are sufficient numbers I'll try to get the ball rolling.



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Happy for you to get some support, try KeVR6 on the CCGB forum, as he's closer to you down south, and keen on organising a few events your way.


I will be going to the SR Nats Day, so won't be able to attend myself.



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I only live just up the road from there will check my calendar and let you know.

Tried once before for this one but did not get much response because it was more air cooled.


Sorry checked my calendar can't make it that weekend.


Good luck anyway hope you have interest.





Edited by Rocket Ron

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