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Hi new to this forum looking for history on vehicle

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Hi to you all out there. Hope I'm doing this in correct place if not I apologise now. I've had a vr6 93 plate about 7 years ago but decided I didn't need it anymore, anyway looking to buy another I found a storm 95 plate just wondering if anyone on here knows any history about it. It had corrado forum stickers in window. Reg is:-N841 RKV any help would be much appreciated thanks in advance Reggie

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Thank you and hi. I can see this forum is going to be quite useful as I bought the car I mentioned last night just got to pick it up Sunday so will be a proper member then and probably need more help[ATTACH=CONFIG]83506[/ATTACH] my old car is blue one new one is the green storm

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A link or stolen pic of the car you intend to buy may jog someone's memory? Particularly if its modified so its stands out a bit?

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