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New How-To website! - Feedback needed

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Hi mate.. so er... how do I go about adding guides then? :)

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Excellent idea mate. It could become the bible of cheaper corrado ownership :lol:


With any luck ;)

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Buyers guide in the Common qu's forum?



Edit: not sure if it's meant as a general library or if it's purely a 'how-to' ....

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Buyers guide in the Common qu's forum?


Edit: not sure if it's meant as a general library or if it's purely a 'how-to' ....


Can be either both. I'll add some static pages with the buyers guide and add a link to the original post on here.


It would be good to expand the existing 'what you need to service' thread on the servicing and suppliers forum to include links to how you actually do each step of the service.


Any offers on who wants to write that bit up? :D

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Not me just yet...


As I usually dispense incorrect information on this forum, i'm trying to find some nice easy howto's to put up.. so there won't be any foul ups!! :)

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need the dreaded sunroof how to though, anyone got one?


I'd love to include all the how-to's that have been included in Sprinter, anybody know who I need to talk to abou that?

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Jeremy Bromley aka Campaign!


Or possibly John Munyard aka corozin.


Problem is a lot of the articles were written by either members specifically for the CCGB or Chris Gaskell who does work for the CCGB and doesn't share his articles with non-club members (which is fair enough I spose).


So some articles might be ok (like the sunroof one) but a lot might not.

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Hmm ok, I think we'll move the how-to site to the-corrado.net first, so it's in a more 'unofficial official' place, then I/jimsG60 can get in touch with the CCGB honcho's to see what they say.


We might be able to come to some arrangement that any how-to stuff they write for the Sprinter is published there first, then we're allowed to put it up in the public domain x months afterwards? That way the CCGB guys are still benefiting, but the information is still out there for others too. We can also plug the CCGB on the how-to site saying you get the information sooner if you join etc.


Time to PM Andi I think... :)

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Right, the how-to site is now up in it's official home at http://the-corrado.net/how-to for your viewing pleasure. I still need to transfer some of the how-to's over from the old site and also sort out the design a bit too. But at least we have a 'proper' address for it now!


Thanks to Andi for setting everything up!!


In the mean time, plleeeeeeease send me links to your how-to's people! I know I'm a bit slow adding stuff, but I think I've done all the ones I've had so far, so keep em coming.

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