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A contentious issue no doubt...G60 rebuilds...

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'Midland VW' in Cannock who are a PSD/G-werks agent.

What's their address & phone number - I'll add this info to the "reccommended garages" section :wink:


Do they do SNS chips too ??

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Jabba won't EVER be getting any more trade from me 'cos of their aftersales and bearing replacement policy... They didn't want to know when I called them to tell them about the dead bearings in my charger which had only done 14K miles in the 14 months since it's stage 4 rebuild, and then I found out that they only replace bearings "when they need to"... When the f%~$ is that? if it's in bits and you're rebuilding it, then I think you should change ALL the seals and ALL the bearings no matter if they're looking perfect or not! what's the point in rebuilding it if you're gonna leave old bits inside it along with the new ones?!? :roll:


I agree for exactly the same reasons & experiences - well documented elsewhere on this forum

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Tec (Pforzheim, Germany) was taken over by Digi-Tec, according to my German Radoforum folk. Digi-Tec are more into chip-tuning, although the former Tec boss seems to work there as well.


Their experience with Tec G-Lader overhauls is FAR from good, as can be read (in German) here.


Would be good to know if BRM still do rebuilds and how etc., as distance Coventry-Leamington Spa is tempting for another Coventry Rado G60 owner ... :roll:




I might give em a call.. from my location, according to the AA, they are only 15 miles away. Talk about handy!

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I just popped in over my (late) lunch break, they still do the rebuilds. The bad news is that it's £399+VAT, which equates to just shy of £470 all in.


For the sake of saving £100 I'd rather be without my car for a few days while it went to G-Werks instead I think...:)

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Hm.. yeah, thats a little bit pricey! :(


Whereabouts do you live Blair btw? You must be real local if BRM are close to you..

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Warwick :)


Whereabouts are you? Coventry?


I must admit I don't go to Cov that much, so it's unlikely I've seen you around (don't seem to see many Corrados around here at all in fact)...

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Yeah.. i'm in Coventry.


Have relatives in Warwick though - they own Baileys Fishing Tackle on the Emscote Road if you know it :)


But to avoid straying OT.. I only really like the sound of BRM for the convenience. If I send my charger to G-Werks which I would prefer to do, I need to try and get someone to remove my charger for me (I have no clue at all about that kinda thing) - Tempest has offered before but I feel bad taking up peoples time to do such things - then get it posted down to G-Werks and then have it refitted again. At least with BRM its a 30 minute drive away, and a drop off and pick up deal which appeals.


I'm not sure what to do!

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Yeah, I know the fishing tackle shop I think - by the chip shop, right by Focus?


I guess really it's what the extra £100 means to you offset against the inconvenience. Given the amount I've spent on mine in the last month (about £1500) that £100 would be nice to have in my pocket for a change ;)

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Yeah thats the one :)


The thing thats making it more likely to be G-Werks is their excellent reputation, and their good prices for a charger rebuild. I've heard very little about BRM, especially in recent months so its hard to gauge how good a job they'd do!

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Yeah, all the positive feedback here about G-Werks is certainly a big plus in my book. It's 5 years since I had my charger rebuilt at BRM, and whilst that is testimony to the quality of the rebuild it's no guarantee they still do them that well!

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If you are interested Blair, myself and Tempest off the forum meet every few weeks for a beer.. we are planning on one sometime next week and the Saxon Mill in Warwick (despite being rather overpriced) is the current favourite destination.


Lemme know if you are up for being part of our mini Corrado meet.. wouldn't mind talking some more about this charger rebuilding nonsense! :)

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Sounds good to me Jim :)


Let me know when!


Another good spot - although a bit short on parking - is the Rose & Crown in Warwick. I've seen a black 16V down there quite often as well...

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Well Saxon Mill gets very short on parking.. we normally head up there for 8/8:30pm but its always jammed by then. Gonna try a bit earlier next time I think!


But if you know any other good similar kinda pubs with good parking then by all means let us know.. Saxon Mill has a great view though when you can sit outside!! :)

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Yeah, it's nice out the back there :) Only problem is I'm Corrado-less next week (in for some minor restoration work to repair scuffs and scrapes accumulated over the years).


I'll have a think - like I said, the Rose & Crown is a great pub, but parking's a problem (it's right on the market square). Mind you, everyone just parks up on the double yellows outside the pub anyway and I've never seen anyone get a ticket. Would be cool to sit out the front looking at a small Corrado formation parked up outside ;)

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Hmm, yes, if I am to leave my Rado sitting on a high street I would definitely want to see it, before some moron touches it, hits it (lots of bad drivers around, especially on high streets :oops: ), personally prefer car parks, ... I know even there you seem to get morons. That's the advantage of the Saxon Mill, it seems to attract more expensive cars, where one could hope that the owners also take care of their cars ...


Sorry, but this is totally OT :oops:



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Yeah, spot-on. The R&C tends to attract a more 'generously-walleted' clientele, I remember the night with a Ferrari, a Porsche and TWO Bentleys parked outside...all on double-yellows, of course :)

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'Midland VW' in Cannock who are a PSD/G-werks agent.

What's their address & phone number - I'll add this info to the "reccommended garages" section :wink:


Do they do SNS chips too ??




Jody can supply the SNS chips and our pullies aswell yes.

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Chargers from TEC were crap! They are out of bussines for a few years now. Rebuilding a charger is not very difficult just get a rebuild kit from S-tec or SLS etc (never use non-OEM apex strips they will shrimp!!) If you want to get it rebuild by a tuner just make sure they use the right parts.

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