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Problem with leaking brake reservoir seals? any ideas?

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ive fitted a brand new vw reservoir, master cylinder and vw seals but have noticed a tiny leak from the 2 rubber seals?


its been fine for the last few months after bleeding it all up, have applied the brake numerous times to check all was ok but now it has a small leak?


the car hasnt been driven as im still putting the rest of it back together.


has anyone had a similar problem? how did you solve it


annoyed to say the least :scratch:

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Can you take a photo of the leak. If the reservoir hasent been fully seated in the the mc seals then it will leak, I had to press down quite hard to seat the new reservoir on a new mc.

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Can you take a photo of the leak. If the reservoir hasent been fully seated in the the mc seals then it will leak, I had to press down quite hard to seat the new reservoir on a new mc.


thanks for the reply ill take a photo when im there next.

i did have to push fairly hard to get it in, i felt it pop into place tho and it cant go in any more theres no gap between reservoir and seal thats why im confused why its started leaking?

ill have to drain it,pull it out i suppose see whats going on.....:bonk:

one step forward 3 steps back it seems at the moment...

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