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Returning offender!

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Hello all.

In 1997,I bought a burgundy metallic 1991 Corrado G60 and soon after joined this illustrious forum under the incredibly ill thought out stupid name of 'Blown' .

After a good few years of ownership,fettling and travelling the length of the country to attend some shows, I took it off the road and started some serious upgrading.

Unfortunately,life got in the way and it languished in the garage for a couple of years until I decided that it was time to move it on....nearly cried when it was taken away.

The new owner had it for a while then wrote it off in an altercation with a bus.😭

So,now nearly twenty years to the day later,I've returned to Corrado ownership after buying a 1992 Dragon green VR6😃

As only to be expected for a 25 year old car,it's a bit worn and scruffy in places but remarkably rust free.

It's gone into the body shop today for some TLC and a full respray.

It needs some bits,such as a battery clamp,rear view mirror,the rare-as-rocking-horse-poo front indicator (late style) and some interior bits but I hope to do a mild restoration rather than an out and out rebuild.

That's it for now but I'll add some pics when I work out how!

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Thanks Gloster,I'll probably take you up on that offer!

The sites changed a bit since I last was on here,think it was on a PHP board then and my tech has changed too....using a tablet instead of a PC,so,erm, how do I upload pics?😶😁

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