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Hey everyone, i just signed up and ready to learn more things about my corrado and i know everyone here know anything and everything about them.

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Hello and welcome to the forum.


We'll start by moving this to General.

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'ey Up! :D


Wanna learn? you've come to the right place! :D 8)

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Thanks guys for all your help and kindness, i don't really know how to move arond the forum yet but its coming to me and i have to say this is the best forum i've been to and i know that all you guys know what your talking about :mrgreen:

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Get yer car into the member's gallery. :D Then find something wrong with it so you can ask questions :D Then spend weekends, nights, "sick" days off work etc.. fixing them with your new found skills!




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It's good to have some more American folk onboard cause they can supply us with some tasty goodies we don't get over here :twisted:

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