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Ferrari F40 timing belt..

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Anyone ever worked on an f40?

My mate Here in Rome owned one back in'00 and was

often asking me of i fancied changing the timing belt on the twin turboed v8, I couldn't do the job 'cos the car was just too low to even get it in the workshop..

I've Always been curious as to how much a job like that would have cost at Ferrari??

I remember that the rear seats had to be removed or even the entire engine..

I also remember that the fuel tanks were dated, every 10 years they had to be changed.

Anyone know someone who has done this? I also wonder how much for a full service too..

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In the UK we would just take it to a Halfords and they would fit a head unit and do the timing belt. I could phone them and pretend i wanted a quote.

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Right mate..helpful to know.

Just curious to know how much it would have cost back in the day.

I know, difficult question to answer, just curious.

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Yeah, I meant the seats, my bad.

Interesting that you supplied the components, do you remember how much the complete kit used to cost?

Who made the belts? Dayco, isoran?


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Excellent geebs

Could you ask him if he ever had any work done Like the timing belt, fuel tanks or anything changed?


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I built one from scratch a while ago, had some help from my lad :)





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yeah, I meant the seats, my bad.

Interesting that you supplied the components, do you remember how much the complete kit used to cost?

Who made the belts? Dayco, isoran?


Yes Dayco and UFI supply the filtration - cannot remember the cost - sorry

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Just drop the engine out and throw new belts on. Supercar makers always make such a big deal of servicing, but it's just bolts and engine hoists like any other car.


Yep, fuel bags do indeed expire, but not just Ferrari. You can get aluminium replacements now though. Bags are for old people who **** through tubes.

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