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has the world gone mad?

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Decided to take the wife and kids out for dinner tonight. Thought I would have a coke as driving. But turns out you can no longer buy normal coke. You can now only buy sugar free drinks unless you are buying it as a mixer. Asking for a jd and coke without the jd doesn't work either. But yet they sell kids drinks full of sugar and don't get me started on the deserts they will happily sell you. Thought it was an April fools at first. So I ask has the world gone mad? Rant over.

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Ah, it’s a chain pub. It’s probably something to do with all this sugar tax crap that the government has introduced to try and stop the people with ZERO will power over their daily sugar/calorie intake from consuming as much a they normally would.


And you’re not wrong, this country has gone mad and has been doing so over the last twenty years or so that I’ve been on this earth.


Long rant incoming...


Nature gave us free will and it also gave us survival of the fittest. The latter has essentially been removed from the equation now as people who do stupid things or have seemingly no control over their actions go almost rewarded - where as in natural circumstances they’d never make it out of the early stage of life intact.


The constant creation of victims of circumstance allows more and more pressure groups to form, meaning that we all have to be ever more careful not to hurt anyone’s feelings or inadvertently exclude someone by accident because we weren’t aware of some seemingly endless list of character traits.


So now we have safe spaces in universities and work places incase someone says something you don’t like or agree with - apparently everyone is entitled to their own opinion but at the same time it’s unacceptable for any one to challenge your view and you need protecting from them!


The secret is (and this will sound very doom and gloom - but when you give it some thought is the only explanation that makes sense, as I can’t believe a group of people could be this evil for such a long, constant period of time) the system is designed to fail... do you think the government actually wants to make things better for its citizens?

If they did, and they actually succeeded, what would there be for them to do? What would justify their salaries? They would loose much of their power and would only be required to keep on top of new issues arising and not constantly fixing all the stuff that keeps going wrong. They like having this power, the ability to tell people what to do etc. The only way they keep this, or increase it (as people are fairly greedy I would say) is to make things worse to justify their noses being stuck in further. So this is why they listen to all the lobbyists and pressure groups - more victims = more power.


Add this to the fact that everything is being made more expensive by the constant printing of money that does not exist. This is compounded by the fact that the value of the pound is not backed to a singular tangible asset - as it used to be with gold. There’s no way that inflation is at the reported 3% - it’s more like 8%. This affects everything from land pricing to the cost of your weekly shop and guess who it shafts the most - the poorest.


Bear in mind this is going on at the same time as the government not actually having a positive bank balance at all, by some trillions of pounds.


In a nutshell this country is done for in the long run. I think the next ten years are going to only get worse - with a constant stream of mediocre politicians who are just the same as each other.


What will sort it out? - it will take everyone who is hacked off with being told that: they have to mind themselves for the benefit of others, be powerless to defend themselves in their own property, apologise for their thoughts and opinions, accept that the people you vote for aren’t accountable to you, have to pay the price for people who can’t stop stuffing their gob and puffing away on cigarettes when it all goes wrong for them - to STOP paying their taxes and shout “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!”.


If 10 million people did that then things may possibly change, it wouldn’t be over night though. If you wanted overnight change it would have to be a complete revolution and would be messy.


Told you it would be a long one which is just a few of my two pence on the matter and I apologise, but it’s something that really does need to be sorted out.


It would be interesting to see how many people are hacked off and what they’re hacked off about...


Oh p.s, here’s the last thing that really made me go WTF!? So we’re leaving the EU - which democratically we voted for - for good or for bad. A strong point in the leave campaign was the strengthening of manufacturing and goods sectors. After deciding we’re going back to the old pre EU blue passports they decide to give the contract to manufacture them to a European company - I’m sure they do it on purpose to wind the general public up sometimes....

Edited by Graphite

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Most MPs are only interested in the money and power that being a MP will bring

How can someone be running a company full time and be a MP

Myy rant over

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Just nonsensical bull crap. Nobody should be drinking coke in 2018 anyway as it's not fit for consumption. They all should be banned.

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  Gti_Jamo said:
Just nonsensical bull crap. Nobody should be drinking coke in 2018 anyway as it's not fit for consumption. They all should be banned.


See I disagree - nothing should be banned as that’s the kind of behaviour we have now.


People should be free to do what they want within basic law - but the tax payer shouldn’t have to pay for their healthcare if they want to drink litres of sugar a day and wonder why they get diabetes. Smoke yourself to death for all I care but don’t make me pay for it when it kicks you up the arse.

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Banned is probably the wrong choice of word, removed from the shelves for all eternity along with all the sugar laden drinks, energy drinks, diet drinks etc. All serve no health benefits whatsoever and only do harm, and all of which are obtainable by children. At least smoking and drinking isn't, and also may have some therapeutic aspects. Despite what the NHS might like us to think, medical problems stemming from smoking and drinking is not the primary problem, it's dietary. A typical western diet means we become nutritionally deficient basically from childhood.

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I have been kicking about the world for a wee while now and I’m bemused by what is going on. If you play cowboys and indians, sorry, Native Americans, you are guilty of Cultural Appropriation if you are a Native American character, or any other national dress for that matter. It seems that anything that can be thought of as a slight on anything is being picked up and used by do-gooders to control what you can and can’t say. When I was younger the use of a abbreviations was the norm so Pakistani and Chinese were abbreviated to those words I cannot speak. I await the day when to say Deli instead of Delicatessen is offensive. Government restrictions are becoming more and more intrusive into your everyday life that free choice is more and more limited, usually with a tax applied so that if you are a naughty person it gives the government more money to give themselves a pay rise or further subsidise their bars and restaurants.


The democracy we think we live in is becoming more and more a dictatorship each day that passes.

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  Gti_Jamo said:
Banned is probably the wrong choice of word, removed from the shelves for all eternity along with all the sugar laden drinks, energy drinks, diet drinks etc. All serve no health benefits whatsoever and only do harm, and all of which are obtainable by children. At least smoking and drinking isn't, and also may have some therapeutic aspects. Despite what the NHS might like us to think, medical problems stemming from smoking and drinking is not the primary problem, it's dietary. A typical western diet means we become nutritionally deficient basically from childhood.


Unfortunately it’s still essentially banning it - the restriction of free will. Which I morally disagree with.


I agree they have no health benefits for anyone, but that should be an individuals choice to consume or not and in regards to children the parents need to be made responsible again. Children in the 60’s had access to sugar enriched drinks such as tizer and they could buy litres of the stuff for pittance but they largely didn’t as they knew that they shouldn’t.


The lack of education and the deliberate eradication of good moral codes and practices combined with relaxing of discipline in this country has taken this thought process away.

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  Wullie said:


The democracy we think we live in is becoming more and more a dictatorship each day that passes.


Of course it is, see my above statement - more victims = more control. The closer it gets to being a democratic system the less power the individuals in parliament have.

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  Graphite said:
Unfortunately it’s still essentially banning it - the restriction of free will. Which I morally disagree with.


I agree they have no health benefits for anyone, but that should be an individuals choice to consume or not and in regards to children the parents need to be made responsible again. Children in the 60’s had access to sugar enriched drinks such as tizer and they could buy litres of the stuff for pittance but they largely didn’t as they knew that they shouldn’t.


The lack of education and the deliberate eradication of good moral codes and practices combined with relaxing of discipline in this country has taken this thought process away.


But are they getting a choice though? When they are bombarded with manipulative advertising 24/7. Are they intelligent enough to make a informative choice? From my perspective i would have to say no. Imagine if our education system was prioritised over nutrition, morals and discipline - rather than merely being a tool, to quickly define our place into society and how we can support 'the system'.


I seen the recent Coke advertisement. Which basically suggests, 'If you want a Coke, have one'. Fcuk what anyone else says and fcuk your health and all the recent medical studies that prove it causes harm, just give us your money and drink this black syrupy crap. Of course the young woman in the advert looks like the epitome of good health also. When the reality it should show a bloated mutant with half her teeth missing.


About 10 or 12 years ago I had a physical addiction to diet coke that properly screwed me up and caused me all sort of problems. Literally couldn't go a day without it. Turns out it's that artificial sweeteners. I literally can taste them in anything these days. I drink nothing but water these days.

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  Gti_Jamo said:
But are they getting a choice though? When they are bombarded with manipulative advertising 24/7. Are they intelligent enough to make a informative choice? From my perspective i would have to say no. Imagine if our education system was prioritised over nutrition, morals and discipline - rather than merely being a tool, to quickly define our place into society and how we can support 'the system'.


I seen the recent Coke advertisement. Which basically suggests, 'If you want a Coke, have one'. Fcuk what anyone else says and fcuk your health and all the recent medical studies that prove it causes harm, just give us your money and drink this black syrupy crap. Of course the young woman in the advert looks like the epitome of good health also. When the reality it should show a bloated mutant with half her teeth missing.


About 10 or 12 years ago I had a physical addiction to diet coke that properly screwed me up and caused me all sort of problems. Literally couldn't go a day without it. Turns out it's that artificial sweeteners. I literally can taste them in anything these days. I drink nothing but water these days.


But isn’t that an issue with a lack of morality on behalf of the companies that produce such goods in the way in which they advertise their products?


I’m sorry to hear you had a bad personal experience that left you with (by the sounds of things) some health issues and I’m glad for you that you found a way to beat that - but should I not have a choice because you had an issue with it? Where is the fairness in that situation. Why should my freedom of choice be removed by the actions of others?


You’re right - education is an issue - however just because some people can’t make an informed decision in their life these days doesn’t mean they should be nannied and allowed to use it as an excuse.


There are drug addicts that successfully turn their lives around and become upstanding citizens who do well for themselves - but some don’t make it. You can’t protect everyone from everything is the way I see it.

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Would banning such products open up an opportunity for these products to go onto the black market hence causing new problems?

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  SR_Neale said:
Would banning such products open up an opportunity for these products to go onto the black market hence causing new problems?


I think you're getting your Cokes mixed up there :)



So we cant have sugar, cant have salt, cant eat meat, cant fry anything, smoking is bad, alcohol is bad, chocolate is bad, cakes are bad, when will it stop, they will only be happy when we are all vegan and that will make it a sad place to live in

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Ok hands up , I did only skim through what’s being said . But i will say this . I’m 49. When I was young, we drank and ate full fat everything. The old girl made cakes , all full fat ingredients. We only had gold top milk , nothing was sugar free apart from tab Pepsi ( I think that was what it was called). Corn beef hash was a regular meal when dough was tight . All this sugar ban is a joke . Why are they doing it ?, because of the modern world , kids sit on their arses all day playing the s££t box , they don’t play on bikes , build camps , walk for miles , nothing. That’s why we have obesity right now . I’m not saying all kids are like it , but there are a hell of a lot that are .

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I think you are correct with kids not going out to play. But it is a different world out there now. I think back to what I used to do when I was my oldest boys age out with my mates on bikes or in the park unsupervised. But I would be to scared to let him do that on his own with all the Sicko's about.

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  SR_Neale said:
I think you are correct with kids not going out to play. But it is a different world out there now. I think back to what I used to do when I was my oldest boys age out with my mates on bikes or in the park unsupervised. But I would be to scared to let him do that on his own with all the Sicko's about.


I know what your saying , but the world has always been full of sicko’s . Only through the internet is it now apparent , they’ve always been there .



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  robrado974 said:
I know what your saying , but the world has always been full of sicko’s . Only through the internet is it now apparent , they’ve always been there .



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I think you have hit the nail on the head there

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  SR_Neale said:
I think you have hit the nail on the head there


I’m the same as you though , my daughter is 17 , my son is 14 , it’s not easy knowing they are out with mates n stuff . It is a worry .



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just skimmed this thread.... re sugar... mmm doughnuts or is donuts english American spelling...


Couldn't live with out them.

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Sugar is a killer, it causes inflammation within the body that trigger all sorts of ailments. While we do need it, it's better taken from natural food sources and not that white refined rubbish they cram into everything. Unfortunately, the artificial sweeteners they use cause just as much harm.

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We use Agarve syrup anywhere we would have previously used sugar, from baking to tea making

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  Gti_Jamo said:
Sugar is a killer, it causes inflammation within the body that trigger all sorts of ailments. While we do need it, it's better taken from natural food sources and not that white refined rubbish they cram into everything. Unfortunately, the artificial sweeteners they use cause just as much harm.


Agree... but everything in moderation... you have to have some treats... and I certainly work it off...


I gave up alcohol and caffeine about 20 years ago and never smoked so the odd donut won't kill me.

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  culshaw said:
We use Agarve syrup anywhere we would have previously used sugar, from baking to tea making


Don't have sugar in tea or coffee. But have honey on cereal... loads of sugar in that but it does have a lot of healing properties.

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