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Advice on new neighbour- with a large van

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Hi long and short is new neighbour moved in and has parked his hightop transit reversed up his drive with ladders on top and all the jargon he does written all over the thing - we have about 4 feet between our driveways but now we cannot see up our street and would have been better building a wall to be honest !!!

Been in my house nearly 17 years and Title Deeds clearly state no vans , caravans etc up your drive and only last year was it agreed that vans could park in the visitors and residents areas in my street .

I would like to know how best to go about having it moved as its a total eyesore and very imposing on our property - as well as taking £15 - £20k of the value of my property .

Can I enforce the title deeds or would I be better trying to approach the subject and see if would be willing to move it into the parking bays ?

My old neighbour who was in the house moved out because of the issue with vans in our estate and then they sell to someone with a van !!!!

Any advice gladly appreciated as its driving me crazy 5 months in and now the light nights are here its an eyesore.

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Do you have a factor for the maintenance of the area, communal areas etc. If so it may be worth approaching them as such things will fall within their remit. there was a similar problem on the estate and it was dealt with quickly through them.

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Trying to have a chat first is always a better option IMHO - then save the bigger guns for later if that doesn't work. There's no point antagonising people from the word go unless it's a no hope situation - they do live beside you after all.

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  fendervg said:
Trying to have a chat first is always a better option IMHO - then save the bigger guns for later if that doesn't work. There's no point antagonising people from the word go unless it's a no hope situation - they do live beside you after all.


Thanks for the advice - I feel he is not very approachable but probably because he knows he is in the wrong to be honest or maybe he genuinely does not know about the title deeds having restrictive covenants - even then you would think out of decency to park it in the bays rather than it being a total obstruction and eyesore.

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  fendervg said:
Trying to have a chat first is always a better option IMHO - then save the bigger guns for later if that doesn't work. There's no point antagonising people from the word go unless it's a no hope situation - they do live beside you after all.


Who was the Factor in question as ours does not seem to want to know about any issues

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Does anyone enforce the covenants - like a managing agent or a residents association? I think they would be my first port of call if such thing exists in your circumstance.


I often feel these restrictive covenants wee put in place when the site was being developed - to keep it looking nice or make sure large commercial vehciles were parked out of the way of site traffic as phases of the development were being built. Once the developer has moved on there isn't anyone to enforce.


If you feel you can approach and chat that would be best but it's difficult as it's almost like your first conversation is a compliant, where as you really just want the area to remain as per the covenants were supposed to protect. The guy next door probably just wants his van next to his property to deter thieves and protect is livelihood.

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