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Hello all, posted a few times about my G60 stuttering when I put the foot down a bit.

The latest test was to disconnect the lambda sensor and see how she ran, however that made no difference. I’ve given in and taken it to a local VW guy who popped the bonnet and was wondering “WTF has someone done under here?”

He believes my symptoms were G-Lader related which made me get a horrible feeling.

Seemingly my charger has been blanked off and other pipes disconnected and silly wee filters added under the bonnet. The charger has a code on it which suggests it’s been played about with.

Any of you guys know or how I can find out whose butchered my car?

Reg number J565 NVU if that helps

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Sounds like the boost return delete, lot's of people have done it. Wouldn't cause stuttering but to be sure I'd post a picture so we can see.


This is the pipe setup before and after:




Taken from here. Take a look if you'd like to know the reasons behind it.

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Ye that sounds a good bit like what’s been done, even got the optional catchment tank, tried adding pics but can’t seem to do it.

Jst a ****ed charger then maybe?

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It's very possible, the chargers are delicate so I would advise getting it rebuilt before it ends up an expensive paperweight. Even if just for your piece of mind.

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Boost delete and carbon canister removal are actually fairly positive mods to give a little power increase.


Charger can easily be removed and split to check condition and if it's all Ok can be simply bolted back together again. While it's removed from car I'd replace the little timing belt regardless, eg: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/192615713028?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649


Don't go jumping to conclusions and getting an expensive rebuild just because your mechanic thinks it 'looks a mess' .. based on that comment alone I'd say he doesn't know his way around a G60 engine bay. Your symptoms don't suggest to me that the charger is knackered.

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Its been a source of debate for years, but I disagree with the boost return delete mod.


The boost bypass is a closed loop system which starts with the butterfly valve at the bottom of the throttle body, it opens at times when full boost is not required like Changing gear such or cruising at part throttle but its not wasted...


The unused boost/air that is returned has just come streight from the intercooler (ok its a bit warmer that the outside fresh air) but its still under pressure when it re-enters the Charger and is as clean as whats entering the engine anyway, the benifit of keeping it is when you plant your foot down you get extra increased throttle response and any over boosting in the intake manifold detected by the MAP sensor in the ECU is vented back via the ISV.


A lot people deleat it in the misconception that a higher overall BHP will result but under full throttle the valve is shut anyway but a good mod is to remove the cam cover breather from the boost return system to stop any extra dirty oily mist into the system.

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The chargers are mostly ported out to increase flow. You'll struggle to find one that isn't these days. If that the case then it'll likely have a chipped ecu too which may be the problem. Also check the fuel injector wiring loom as it's get hot back there and if wires are brittle then they can stop injecting under engine load.

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