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revs die......

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It seems we have developed another fault! Im not sure what it is, so here we go!..

The revs seem 2 die, i think its only when it goes above about 4000 revs and i take my foot off, the revs drop down, and just keep dropping! sometimes it struggles 2 keep going, but just cuts out 99% of the time there seems 2 be a very big flat spot on the throttle for about say a 1/4 of it, not very responsive, and then all of a sudden picks up and flys! i have checked the ISV and it seems fine, tapped it ect, but doesnt seem 2 be a problem related 2 it, when i parked it up on early sunday morning, it was fine, and since then and this morning (when it wasn't used) ITS BROKE! havent got a clue wether it is mechanical or electrical, so anyone who has any idea, please help!!!! :D



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Could be way off the cause here, but I know the 16v suffers majorly with running properly if there is a leak in the sensing air lines (think that's what you'd call them) I would take a good look around the air lines in the engine bay, may be squirting some soapy water around if you can get the engine to run long enough! Last time I had this it was a leak from the pipe connection indicated in the piccy. The pipe was on OK, not split, couldn't hear a leak, looked fine, but the car ran really badly as you describe. As soon as I realised and put a proper 'jubille' clip on it, problem solved completely!

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WAYYYY someone helped me! :lol:

It runs fine, untill u rev it up, and then its shte! but will have a good inspect tomorrow in the light i think! Cheers fella 8)

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No worries, it's worth a look....if that's not the cause don't worry someone more knowledgeable is sure to come along soon, I would say there's a wealth of knowledge about these engines on here, they must all be watching TV or something!

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I'm no expert :D But, yep check all vacum hoses around manifold. Could be a number of other things as well :( Generally the ISV (near kvwloons right thumb in picture ) should regulate your revs so it doesn't plummet when you take foot of the gas, if you've cleaned it make sure it's buzzing when ignition on, you may be idling of the throttle idle alone. If engine is lumpy then could be your mixture, there's a guide for resetting this on here somewhere, also have you checked for clean spark on plugs?


If you put in a general search about this then am sure you'll get tonnes of results, does it start allright?

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But dunno what i did!!!...... heres what i did, which one do u think it was?


1) sprayed the ISV with loads of WD40

2) cleaned the distribuitor cap with lil wet n dry, contacts where a pitted n black?!?!

3) sprayed the throttle linkage with WD40 beacuse it seemed bit sticky and slow to return??


Cos i done them all at once, im not sure what fixed it!!

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do u think that ws the cause? dad seemed 2 think it was normal, had 2 disagree with him, thought it should be clean! why would it arc in the first place?? it was on the 4 contacts the rotor arm passes inside? cheers, just thought it would of been down 2 the ISV! looks like i could be wrong eh! :oops:

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